I'm Dr. Andrea Maxim, naturopathic doctor and business coach for wellness practitioners. I blog at MAXIMizedBusiness.ca. The Profitable Practice Podcast is a show to help you grow your career, practice, or clinic into a profitable business. Tune in weekly to learn from me and stories/interviews with successful practitioners!
![Foundational Experience Is the Secret of Making Your Practice Succeed [Ep. #133]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I share step 1 of building a successful health and wellness practice.
Stop wasting time worrying about nicheing your practice.
Yes, niching/specializing is an important business building step, but try to take it too early and you’ll waste thousands of dollars and uncounted hours of your time and effort.
Tune in for details on getting Pillar 1 (AKA Step 1) under your belt…
In This Episode:
[0:48] What happens when you don’t have the foundational experience seeing patients and try to build a business.
[2:32] The pitfalls with the transition from being a student to running your first practice.
[4:39] This is why Foundational Experience – seeing your first 100 patients – is Pillar 1 of The MAXIMized Practitioner Program
[8:51] After you have 100 patients under your belt – THEN you can start branding and niching your practice.
[9:15] Foundational experience breeds confidence… and equips you with the language and systems you need to connect with and WOW your ideal patients.
[10:58] It takes TIME to get this experience, clarity, and confidence before you start adding in all the bells and whistles.
[12:31] Your invite to our Create Your Initial Patient Funnel course program… to help you get these 100 patients FASTER!
[14:08] How it was for Andrea in the beginning of building her business…

After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, or email me – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.

Want Us To Help You Build An Incredible Practice?
![Why BHAGS Are a Sucky Way to Plan… and The Better Method I Now Use [Ep. #132]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
n this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I discuss why BHAGs suck for business planning and the better method I now use instead.
BHAGs – big hairy audacious goals – have been the darling of planning gurus for some time. I admit, these big impressive sounding numbers were how I would set my business goals for my first 5 years in business.
The thing is, they didn’t actually motivate me… they were just so unreachable that they didn’t do anything but make me feel like I was failing.
That sucks.
In the last year or so, I’ve discovered a better way to plan and goal set… tune in!
In This Episode:
[0:51] Intro: How BHAGs are usually not achievable.
[1:58] Since onboarding a team, I now set goals so differently… the role of help and experience.
[3:48] A quick review of our planning process [Ep. 131].
[4:10] Creating an actionable plan comes from realistic goals.
[6:53] When setting and tracking your goals properly so much more is attainable
[7:16] a short story about setting achievable goals.
[10:25] When you don’t achieve your goals over and over again how do you feel?
[12:04] Set yourself up for success – metrics that are so attainable you blow them out of the water.
[14:00] Holding myself accountable to a team has transformed my business.
[13:34] Emily’s MAXIMized Practitioner story…
“You want to be setting your goals low enough so you KNOW you can attain them. And then you wanna strive for BLOWING them out of the water! This is how you set yourself and your team up to WIN.” ”
— Andrea Maxim, ND
Business Coach To Health & Wellness Practitioners
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, in the comments below – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
![A Planning System That Can Get 2 Years Worth of Work Done In 3 Months [Ep. #131]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I share the new planning method that has transformed my business and made me insanely productive!
So here we go with a new year! Refreshed and ready to tackle some major big goals… until we realize we have ourselves over-scheduled and our planning too overly detailed to be helpful.
Been there. Done that.
Here is how I changed up my business planning last year and was able to achieve in 3 months what it would have taken me 2 years to complete in the past!
(Hint: It was all made possible by my amazing team! But I wouldn’t even have that team, if I hadn’t started this kind of planning.)
Tune in to learn more about how I set goals/plan for my business growth now…
In This Episode:
[1:40] Introducing my new way of goal setting and planning
[3:40] Commit to just 2 critical numbers for the year: $ in revenue plus one other metric.
[6:19] Breaking it up into a plan for the next 90-days
[7:55] Breaking your 90-day plan into a 30 day plan
[9:15] Pulling your weekly plan & daily “one big thing” from your 30 day plan
[10:38] You’re NOT aiming for 100% completion…
[12:47] How to get extra support with implementing this planning process
[13:34] Emily’s MAXIMized Practitioner story…
“How much is the mundane work is dragging you down and preventing you from being able to get forward because it’s constantly on your mind and filling up your to-do list? If you are not getting it done, you are not in momentum, which means you are not going to grow.”
— Andrea Maxim, ND
Business Coach To Health & Wellness Practitioners
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, in the comments below – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
![Pricing: Charging What You’re Worth IS Your Job [Ep. #130]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Pricing: Charging What You’re Worth IS Your Job [Ep. #130]
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I discuss the mindset shift that allowed me to get over feeling “sales-y” and have frank discussions regarding cost of treatment with my patients.
I see it all the time with new practitioners… and struggling practitioners too for that matter.
We just have this hang up around charging for our services and around discussing treatment options with patients.
Especially when we hold this overarching assumption that our best is “too expensive” for the patient.
Here’s how to get over that and get your patients clear on and even happy about what kind of financial commitment they’ve signed up for.
In This Episode:
[0:32] What feeling uncomfortable around pricing and upselling holds you back from.
[3:10] How you should be approaching every patient visit when it comes to pricing.
[5:49] It’s your obligation to be transparent and make sure they KNOW what they are opting into.
[7:32] On coming from a place of service and giving the patient OPTIONS.
[8:30] Approaching 2020… action items to consider on this point.
[9:40] How to get patients to say yes to the extras…
[27:40] Reasonable conversion rates to expect.
[30:35] Subscription meal planning offerings.
“Preventing your patient from making an educated decision on what their health care is going to look like by assuming he/she can’t afford what you’re going to offer is probably the worst thing you can do for your business and your patient.”
— Andrea Maxim, ND
Business Coach To Health & Wellness Practitioners
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, in the comments below – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
![How To Easily Add Meal Planning Services To Your Practice & Boost Revenues Too! - with Ashley Sauve of That Clean Life [Ep. #129]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
n this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I interview Ashley Sauve of That Clean Life on how to profitably add meal planning services to your practice within a couple of hours..
If you are looking for an easy way to add new services to your menu, look no further than meal planning.
This simple addition can quickly put a $10K or more boost to your bottom line for next year. We use it at all three clinics I run, and both staff and patients love it.
In bringing Ashley onto the podcast to share this great service with you, it is my hope you’ll love it as much as we do.
In This Episode:
[2:00] Ashley’s background and how she streamlined her meal planning services with That Clean Life.
[3:55] On using meal planning as a way out of trading time for dollars.
[4:35] The most common mistakes practitioners make with offering meal plans.
[7:10] How to price of your pre-made meal plans correctly.
[11:00] Creating customized meal plans in less than 15 mins.
[11:40] Growth Hacks for Your Practice.
[15:00] On dealing with the learning curve of a new tech/app/tool.
[18:40] How Ashley launched her first group program to her clients in just a couple of hours.
[21:39] Exactly how Ashley delivered that first group program
[26:00] On starting a practice from scratch using That Clean Life with no email list.
[27:15] Taking imperfect action…
[27:40] Reasonable conversion rates to expect.
[30:35] Subscription meal planning offerings.
“This is something anyone can do as long as you’re willing to make imperfect action and not worry about making sure everything is flawless before they release it and just start making sales so you can pay yourself for the hours you’re about to put in.” ”
— Ashley sauve, Nutritionist
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts:
- Do you or will you offer meal planning services in 2020?
- If you already do, what will you change to make it more profitable?
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, in the comments below – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
- That Clean Life
- Ashley Sauve (Instagram)
![A Simple 7 Question Annual Business Review For Health & Wellness Practitioners [Ep. #128]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I talk about the 7 questions I ask myself when reflecting on the business year that has just passed.
I love December – for all the celebration and closure it brings, not to mention the joy of family around the holidays.
Once all the meals are eaten and we start returning our minds to work and business though, it’s a great time to take a short pause and reflect on the year that’s just passed.
Here are the 7 simple questions I ask myself and journal about before bringing my work year to a close.
It is my hope they will serve you too!
In This Episode:
[1:45] Question 1 – What are you grateful for? What wins are you celebrating? Who can you say thank you to?
[5:14] Question 2 – What did you find challenging? That you were dreading doing? But did anyway because it needed to happen?
[8:31] Question 3 – What was the most meaningful and magical moment(s) of this past year?
[10:39] Question 4 – Where did you learn the most about yourself and your business?
[12:26] Question 5 – Rate your scale of happiness in the past year on a scale of 1-10. If it’s lower than an 8, what was it that didn’t make you happy?
[13:45] Question 6 – What could you do in the next year that is going to help you stretch your comfort zone to learn and grow?
[15:20] Question 7 – What does success look like next year?
[17:35] A special invite to help you plan out a mind-blowing year for 2020.
“It’s really important for you to go back into those magical moments and reflect on the feelings and how you were feeling in that moment. And hold onto them! Because they are only going to happen once.”
— Andrea Maxim, ND & Business Coach
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts:
- When will you take time to do your review?
- If you would ask different questions, please share!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, in the comments below – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
P.S. Here is the link mentioned in this episode to the 2020 Goals Workbook!
![How To Create 10+ Pieces of Marketing Content From Just ONE [Ep. #127]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
How To Create 10+ Pieces of Marketing Content From Just ONE [Ep. #127]
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I talk about how we create 10+ pieces of marketing content for all the platforms from just a single piece of original content.
Social media is here to stay. AND it makes marketing a heckuva lot easier for us little guys. That said, you do need to know how to put it to work for you, or you’ll be lost in overwhelm trying to “make content” all day long and never actually get to see a client or patient.
Knowing how to create content efficiently is part of the essential business foundation of your practice. We cover it in depth in Pillar 2 of the MAXIMized Practitioner Program.
Today, I wanted to give you a sneak peek into the marketing processes of my own clinic when it comes to social media.
Here’s 3 different pieces of original content and how to splinter them out: recorded video, written blog posts, and live streams.
Tune in below!
In This Episode:
[1:03] Intro to the episode… how to become a social media machine AND avoid overwhelm.
[3:19] How we leverage our content creation every single time – starting with a single 15-20 min audio/video recording create 10+ pieces of content.
[5:04] You do not need to create new content for every post. Less than 5% of people following you are going to see any single piece of content you create. So it makes sense to share it multiple times in multiple ways and spread your message further.
[5:45] How to do this if you are a blogger… and prefer writing first.
[7:07] Always download your live video onto your phone! You can use this as starter content to splinter up and re-format for elsewhere too.
[8:43] Setting up Smarterqueue as a social media scheduling software – it automatically recycles evergreen posts for you!
[10:31] The point is, there has to be a clear BUSINESS reason for why you are doing it. It has to serve YOU and YOUR AUDIENCE. Don’t waste your time putting out content that doesn’t funnel people back into your business. That means revenues and appointment bookings.
[13:20] Re-cap, wrap up of this episode.
[14:14] If you are overwhelmed – don’t give up… we’ve created a program where you can hire us for 3 months to help you get all this set up for you! info@themaximmovement.com or on Instagram @AndreaMaximND
“Quite frankly, we are all about imperfect action. It doesn’t matter if everything doesn’t fit perfectly, the point is that you’re getting it done, putting git out there, and as you get comfortable with the process you can start reformatting it so it will fit the other platforms.”
— Andrea Maxim, ND & Business Coach
Episode Resources:
- How To Use FB Audiences To Grow Your Practice [Ep. #126]
- Smarterqueue – Our preferred social media scheduling tool
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts:
- Have you spiced your content out in this way before?
- If you’ve done something different, please share!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, in the comments below – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
![Using custom audiences in FB Ads Manager to grow your practice quickly [Ep. #126]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Using custom audiences in FB Ads Manager to grow your practice quickly [Ep. #126]
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I talk about why setting up Facebook Ads and custom audiences is an essential piece in the foundation of your practice.
Social media is here to stay. AND it makes marketing a heckuva lot easier for us little guys, but you do need to know how to put it to work for you. This is part of the essential business foundation of your practice.
Facebook’s algorithms are good, it’s time to learn how to leverage them to grow your practice quickly.
In This Episode:
[1:00] How FB Ads will help you grow your practice
[3:05] Creating FB Audiences out of your campaign using a FB pixel
[5:05] The key custom audiences you need to create inside facebook to help you target your ads to the right people
[6:45] The strategy behind creating FB audiences for your business
[7:35] The power of “look-a-like” audiences to generate new patients
[9:53] On how re-targeting people who have already showed interest in your services makes advertising cheaper for you
[12:08] Organic reach is just impossible now.
[12:47] An example of what FB Ads can do for your practice
“Facebook is designed to help you win, but you win faster when you give Facebook data that it can pool into and know exactly who to target for you.”
— Andrea Maxim, ND & Business Coach
Episode Resources:
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts:
- Have you set up your custom audiences yet?
- How has Facebook advertising worked out for you so far?
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, in the comments below – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to build something great, so let’s get to work.
PS. Here is the link to get access to the Facebook Ads Training I spoke about during this episode.
PPS. Wondering where to sign up for that 30 Min Profitable Practice GAME CHANGER Strategy Call with me? Here is the link to my calendar – just sign yourself up!
![If Someone Is Selling You The Success Of Disney+ As An Example Of Your Practice’s Biz Potential, Just Tune Them Out [Ep. #125]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I talk about why the success of Disney + is not actually a good example of the power of content marketing or the potential of your health and wellness practice.
Since Disney+ was released every content marketer/business trainer in my news feed has been using it as an example of the success that’s possible with the power of content marketing.
This is just wrong. It’s just marketing buzz designed to persuade you to buy something.
In the episode, we talk about the longevity of hard work and commitment required to building a successful business – i.e. the real takeaway you should be getting from the success of Disney +.
In This Episode:
[2:08] Truth Bomb Time: Success comes with hard work, relentless focus, and 100% commitment to out-lasting your competition. What no-one fully appreciates about the long-haul of entrepreneurship.
[5:47] Fail-Proof Mindset Mantra: “At any given moment you could be just 1 more try away from massive success.”
[6:27] Talking about Disney’s success … almost 100 years of business development since 1923 before releasing Disney + to the tune of 10M sales on day 1.
[8:30] Emulating that kind of success after 3-5 years in practice, even 10 years in practice is just bonkers. Here’s what’s reasonable to expect and what you CAN do to build a successful practice.
[13:27] The right thing to take away from Disney + success: “Be 100% committed and play the long-game.”
“If you are looking for the short-term fix, chasing the shiny object, or expecting “overnight success” and you’ve only got a couple of years under your belt, the reality is it just isn’t going to happen yet. Building business success takes time.”
— Andrea Maxim, ND & Business Coach
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts:
- What lesson have you taken away from the success of Disney +?
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, in the comments below – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to build something great, so let’s get to work.
PS. Wondering where to sign up for that 30 Min Profitable Practice GAME CHANGER Strategy Call with me? Here is the link to my calendar – just sign yourself up!
![How To Write A Self-Published Book – Part 4 Of 4 [Ep. #124]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
How To Write A Self-Published Book – Part 4 Of 4 [Ep. #124]
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
n this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I talk about the fourth and final phase of writing a self-published book – the pulling together of your manuscript!
In this episode, we talk about compiling the manuscript for your new book.
In this phase, you’ll want to hire some professional help in order to ensure a professional product.
In This Episode:
[0:42] opening remarks
[1:13] Step 4 putting your manuscript together in multiple formats
[3:25] How to use your book as a lead magnet/opt-in/freebie
[4:33 – 5:35] The real purpose of writing a self-published book
[5:58] Leveraging your book with adaptations/updated editions
[6:51] Additional benefits for having your book published
“Remember we are self-publishing you (…) all we want to do is establish you as an author and set you apart from the rest of your industry.”
— Andrea Maxim, ND & Business Coach
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts:
- Do you have a desire to write a book in your future? If so, when?
- What topic will you write on?
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, in the comments below – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to build something great, so let’s get to work.
PS. Wondering where to sign up for that 30 Min Profitable Practice GAME CHANGER Strategy Call with me? Here is the link to my calendar – just sign yourself up!