I'm Dr. Andrea Maxim, naturopathic doctor and business coach for wellness practitioners. I blog at MAXIMizedBusiness.ca. The Profitable Practice Podcast is a show to help you grow your career, practice, or clinic into a profitable business. Tune in weekly to learn from me and stories/interviews with successful practitioners!
![How To Get Out Of Crisis Mode And Leverage This Time For Your Business – With Samantha Gladdish [Ep. #144]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I interview Samantha Gladdish of HolisticWellness.ca on how to get past COVID crisis panic and back into the spirit of service to grow your business.
Samantha is a master at coming from a place of service in both running her holistic nutrition practice and her business coaching practice… and how she is showing up during this new crisis is just beautiful.
I just knew having her on the show would make for a great conversation!
Tune in for her tactics and strategies for shifting out of crisis mode and back into service mode quickly… and also her take on what you SHOULD be focussing on right now to grow your business.
“It’s showing up with a lot of love right now, that’s going to really pay off in the future for you.”
— Samantha Gladdish, Nutritionist & Business Coach
In This Episode:
[2:23] Who is Samantha Gladdish?
[4:27] When the COVID-19 crisis hit, how did Samantha respond?
[7:05] Mindset shift – go back to the mindset you had when you were just starting and had no cash flow… what did you do then?!
[8:49] Samantha – on not panicking or creating something completely new and from scratch.
[12:10] What strategies can we use to work ourselves out of being “frozen” or “panicked” in the face of this crisis so we can make rational decisions?
[15:58] On getting in your own way because of fear/uncertainty
[17:41] What basic elements of your business should you be leaning into during this time – promotion via social media, produce really great content, show up consistently and serve your community to the best of your ability.
[21:26] Strategies to shift your focus away from the little things and back on higher level thinking that is based on customer service and building community.
[24:50] What to do when you are “soooo busy” but not getting anything important done… Learn what Samantha is choosing to focus on.
[28:27] Samantha’s final thoughts…
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts:
- Do you or will you offer meal planning services in 2020?
- If you already do, what will you change to make it more profitable?
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, in the comments below – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
- IG: @holisticwellnessfoodie or @samantha_gladdish
- Website: HolisticWellness.ca
![How To Work From Home With Kids [Ep. #142]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Apr 06, 2020
How To Work From Home With Kids [Ep. #142]
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I discuss my stance and strategies on how to work from home with kids during this COVID crisis.
Our industry is shifting into telemedicine at break-neck speed and our at-home work environments are being showcased front and center. Let’s not even mention all the physical distancing and quarantine rules that are pushing everyone to work from home.
I have two children under 5 myself. I get it. There’s a lot of pressure and it’s Hard to get anything done.
Learning to work from home effectively and efficiently is a must right now if your business is going to survive.
Tune in for my stance and strategies for making it work in my household.
In This Episode:
[0:32] The current reality of working from home with children during COVID crisis.
[2:17] #1: Forget the perfect homeschooling set up and “Best Quarantine Parent Awards” it’s just guilt producing. My stance on being a parent-preneur and what that means.
[6:30] Find times that can be dedicated 100% work time.
[7:20] Be assertive about asking for help. (Especially during this crisis!)
[8:32] Use this time to analyze what’s broken in your business and start solidifying those systems and processes and filling in the cracks.
[9:48] Take time to breathe and discover/see the opportunities to pivot.
[10:39] Be selfish – take the help!! This is a gift of time to get. shit. done. while you are not “too busy” with patient care.
[12:10] Recap… and my offer to help you get a plan of action together. Click here to Book your $1 Game Plan call now.
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, or email me – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
![5 Strategies To Keep Your Wellness Clinic Alive During A Crisis [Ep. #141]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Mar 30, 2020
5 Strategies To Keep Your Wellness Clinic Alive During A Crisis [Ep. #141]
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
n this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I share how we at the MAXIM Movement clinics and our Elite membership clients are shifting their efforts to survive (and even thrive!) during this COVID-19 crisis – all while serving our patients communities.
COVID-19 is rocking the world. It’s an unprecedented time for many a small business – our wellness clinic’s included.
I’ll be honest… when this all started becoming real and the world around me started shutting down, so did I. I froze. I wanted to curl up and hide.
Instead… I took a few deep breaths, got my head on straight, hashed things out with an experienced business mentor, and put a plan in place for my clinics.
(A HUGE thank you Alex Charfen and team!)
Here’s what I came up with and how my clinics and my team are pulling up our #businesssocks and getting to work serving our community. (Who needs our leadership and advice more than ever right now!)
Tune in, so you can do the same…
In This Episode:
[1:13] My initial reactions to this crisis having never gone through something like this before. (This will probably sound familiar!)
[4:35] Hack #1 – Lean into routine as much as humanly possible. Make a checklist if you need to.
[6:54] Hack #2 – Make your action plan for the next 90 and 30 day goals crystal clear.
[10:36] Hack #3 – No left field projects! Stay true to your big vision for your practice and strengthen the systems and processes that you already have in place.
[12:20] Hack #4 – Lean into lead generation (i.e. getting new patients/subscribers) for your practice AND to be really helpful to your community.
[13:20] Hack #5 – Shift your marketing messaging just a little to rally your community against our common enemy.
[14:40] Bonus Hack! – Consider the slow down in appointments a gift of TIME. Time to get all the things done you know need to get done but have been putting off because you’re “too busy”. (Plus a list of biz building project ideas from our Elite clients.)
[15:22] An tailor-built offer from my team to help you get your project done during this critical (and valuable!) time. It all starts with a quick phone call with me! Book your $1 Game Plan call now.
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, or email me – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
![How NOT To Choose A Business Coach [Ep. #140]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Mar 23, 2020
How NOT To Choose A Business Coach [Ep. #140]
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I share how choosing a business coach who’s BEEN THERE and “Get’s It” is critical to your success and growth.
If you’ve never invested in business coaching for yourself, let me be clear – it is THE catalyst that helped me grow my practice and take years off of my learning curve.
That said, I’ve had coaches who didn’t quite “get it” with my lifestyle realities and the challenges with our professional (and regulated) industry. In the end, these coaches didn’t help as much.
Having investing in both perfect match coaches and less than perfect match coaches, in this episode I walk you through what to look for and how to choose one for yourself. Tune in below!
In This Episode:
[1:00] Don’t take advice from people who have no idea or understanding of what your lifestyle/business realities and struggles are. You want to listen to people who have been your EXACT situation.
[2:52] My experience with investing in the Billionaire Code Accelerator with Alex Charfen.
[4:00] Creating a morning routine as an example of my experience with a personal struggle that two coaches offered advice with – one who understood my situation and had been there and one who had not.
[8:50] On aligning yourself with a paid mentor – make sure they’ve BEEN EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE and have a step by step process you can follow to get through it.
[11:50] On working with “imperfect match coaches” and recognizing the limits of what someone can help you with if they haven’t been through what you’re going through.
[13:25] Flipping the coin – Consider who you are being with your patients from this lens of coaching and mentorship; what are you asking them to do in the context of their lifestyle/struggles?
[17:38] Options for what to do when it’s not a good fit for your patients.
[20:00] If you’re aligning with this, and you what to explore working with me (and my team) to help coach you – hire us! Book a $1 Game Plan call now and we’ll hash out a plan for you.
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, or email me – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
![The 2 Causes Of Overwhelm For Practitioners & How To Stop Them [Ep. #139]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Mar 16, 2020
The 2 Causes Of Overwhelm For Practitioners & How To Stop Them [Ep. #139]
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I the 2 causes of overwhelm for business building health and wellness practitioners
That feeling of frenetic anxiety bordering on panic followed by the crash of just feeling too worn out to think… as business owners we’ve all been there.
There are two causes, and when you learn to recognize them, you can start to know exactly what to do about them.
Tune into this week’s episode to find out how to #slay these demons and get back on track with your sanity!
In This Episode:
[0:40] How to know you are in full overwhelm… and No, it’s not “normal” for entrepreneurs.
[3:57] The entrepreneurial personality type and the challenges you experience at different levels of growth.
[5:44] Do you want a house of cards practice or a FOUNDATIONAL practice?
[9:00] The 2 causes of overwhelm in your personal life… and facing them head on.
[11:25] The 2 causes of overwhelm in your business and practice… and facing them head on.
[12:00] Hacks that I KNOW help stop the pressure and noise on both the personal and the business fronts.
[16:26] As your business grows, you will still encounter obstacles… this IS growth.
[19:19] Your next steps if this episode is speaking to your soul: Book a Game Plan Call!
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, or email me – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.

Want A Solid Plan To A Six Figure Practice?
![Celebrate Your Wins for Faster Practice Growth [Ep. #138]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Celebrate Your Wins for Faster Practice Growth [Ep. #138]
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I share the why and hows of gratitude for practitioner entrepreneurs – plus stories on how it’s worked out beautifully.
It’s so easy to finish a project or land a new patient and move on to the next thing on your to do list without stopping to acknowledge the win!
If you do this all the time, you’re missing out on some of the juiciest parts of being and entrepreneur – the satisfaction of winning.
In this episode, I talk all about gratitude and celebrating wins for health and wellness practitioners looking to grow their business.
In This Episode:
[0:47] Intro and congrats to those who completed the Create Your Initial Patient Funnel test round!
[2:18] Acknowledging and sharing your wins.
[4:33] Benefits of finishing a project with both gratitude and celebration.
[5:08] The universe is always listening.
[6:31] Being really specific about what you are grateful for and be grateful out loud.
[8:48] On looking for signs you are on the right track.
[10:27] Exercising gratitude for business owners…
[12:01] On even celebrating the littlest teeniest wins and acknowledging how great things are for you NOW.
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, or email me – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
![2019 Business Year In Review – Building A Dream Team [Ep. #137]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Mar 02, 2020
2019 Business Year In Review – Building A Dream Team [Ep. #137]
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I review all that happened in 2019 – including hiring my first employees, restructuring my businesses and of course the final numbers.
So much happens in a year.
Tune in to get the deets on how my practice changed for the better in 2019.
In This Episode:
[1:14] How to get our free 2020 If You Want It Write It Workbook.
[2:00] Reflections on taking on a 3rd clinic in 2019.
[4:00] Alex Charfen, the entrepreneurial personality type, and joining his program.
[8:30] Getting clear on money and time. #wakeupcall.
[10:30] On deciding to build and create a team instead of wishing for one.
[11:07] My first hire – project manager Laura – and restructuring Maximized Business.
[15:35] My second hire – clinical associate Meaghan – to take over 1 of my 3 practices.
[17:35] Our regular meeting schedule to keep everyone on track.
[18:05] The experience of onboarding new employees and setting up systems to support them (and me).
[22:19] Reflections on benefits of getting my time back…
[24:03] Final numbers for 2019.
[26:36] Tips on doing your own 2019 year in review.
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, or email me – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
![“Test & Perfect” Your Way To A 6 Figure Practice in 12 Months: Interview with Dr. Alicia MacPherson [Ep. #136]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I interview Dr. Alicia MacPherson on how she created a completely virtual 6 figrure naturopathic practice in just 12 months.
Alician built a 6 figure practice in 12 months right out of school – AND she doesn’t even have a real website!
What she does have is a commitment (and the smarts) to figure out how to grow her business. As she shares in our interview, such a large part of this is being able to reframe “failures” as “learning”… and to adapt and try again.
Personally, I’m blown away by her success! I just love it! #girlcrush
In This Episode:
[1:17] Alicia’s beginning…
[3:50] How she found her niche quickly.
[6:23] Social media strategy… sharing her ideas in long form, including how she breaks that down into separate posts.
[11:40] FB/IG populations and following your market on social.
[12:35] Strategy for getting people to eventually book in is always about getting them to take the next small action step.
[11:47] Her funnel… 3 opt-ins and how they work together with the same end point of getting them on a call
[17:40] Creating her signature protocol early was about getting the sales messaging right.
[19:00] Her experience with launching her first webinar – handling the ups and downs since and continuous learning and tweaking to do better.
[24:19] But what about all the time, tech, and money to make all this happen?
[32:41] Realities of a 100% virtual practice.
[37:23] How she uses a Facebook Group as part of her funnel
[43:50] The last word…
[45:07] How to contact Alicia
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, or email me – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
If you’re just starting out or struggling to build your practice, you’ll want to tune in here.
![The Problem With Taking the Right Steps In the WRONG Order [Ep. #135]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Feb 17, 2020
The Problem With Taking the Right Steps In the WRONG Order [Ep. #135]
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I share the how investing in training/strategies before your business is ready for it can cripple your practice growth.
Every practitioner I know has been there… with the best of intentions you invest in the growth of your practice. You know you have to do this in order to grow. No risk? No reward.
But if you invest in very helpful and valid trainings/growth strategies before you and your business is even equipped to implement them… you’ll just be out a load of money and time.
It’s a bit like investing in a university education before you’ve completed grade school.
Here’s my take on how to make the RIGHT investments in the RIGHT order.
In This Episode:
[0:00] The problem with business advice – it often comes in the wrong order.
[2:45] The business knowledge gap you suffer from when you graduate your training program.
[4:00] The 3 struggles for a new practitioner to be prepared for in years 1-3 from graduation.
[5:26] The ONLY THING you need to be focuses on in the early stage of your business.
[6:25] Don’t waste your time on these things…
[8:15] The struggles of years 4-6 – more efficient clinic operations and focussing in on your ideal client.
[11:10] The struggles at 6+ years out… coaching/accountability, delegation, and automation.
[13:11] Stop listening to people telling you to do things you’re not ready for!
[15:44] How to get in touch with Andrea for help with the next RIGHT step for your practice.
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, or email me – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.
![The 3 Personal Boundaries You Need To Set Up As An Entrepreneur To Protect Your Family [Ep. #134]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/918669/PPP_Cover_Art_300x300.png)
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
In this episode of The Profitable Practice Podcast, I share the three boundaries I have learned to set up to protect my family and my work as an entrepreneur.
It’s a significant struggle many of us practitioners face – trying to balance both work and home life. (Especially for those of us who are also Moms!)
Kids or not, managing it all leads to overwhelm at some point for every single one of us.
In this episode, I share the 3 boundaries I’ve created that make both work and home life not just manageable but ENJOYABLE as a business owner.
Tune in, and decide which one(s) you will adopt!
In This Episode:
[0:00] Boundary #1: dedicated space & time – The first personal boundary I learned to set up to protect both my family and work from the demands of the other.
[6:15] The difference between you and those that don’t run a business.
[9:00] Boundary #2: systemized team communication – How running short meetings at set times and systemized communications triages most interruptions for questions/distractions.
[14:03] Boundary #3: shared family calendar and a weekly partner meeting – clearly delegate responsibilities for the week and have a chance to discuss the upcoming week and voice wins and frustrations.
[19:09] How to get help establishing these boundaries and growing your business with support.
After You’ve Listened To The Episode, I Would **LOVE** To Hear Your Thoughts!
One of the best parts of any episode I record is getting to discuss the topic with you! So let me know your thoughts wherever you get social on the net, IG, FB, or email me – wherever!
Thank you for listening and learning with me on the podcast this week. Your commitment to improving the business aspect of your practice matters... Not only to you, but to your future patients and practitioners who want to be working with you. You were meant to help and heal people, so let’s get to work.