I'm Dr. Andrea Maxim, naturopathic doctor and business coach for wellness practitioners. I blog at MAXIMizedBusiness.ca. The Profitable Practice Podcast is a show to help you grow your career, practice, or clinic into a profitable business. Tune in weekly to learn from me and stories/interviews with successful practitioners!
Saturday Jan 28, 2017
Are Your Marketing Efforts for Nothing? Interview with Igor Klibanov - PPP: 043
Saturday Jan 28, 2017
Saturday Jan 28, 2017
AXIMize your clinic waitlist: http://maximizeyourclinic.com/nonmembers?wlfrom=%2F
Igor is the author of 4 different books on fitness and nutrition, the most recent of which is STOP EXERCISING! The Way You Are Doing it Now. He's the founder of Fitness Solutions Plus, works as a personal trainer, and frequently speaks at live events about Health and Wellness.
Today Igor shares some of the most valuable information he's learned about marketing. He dives into what metrics you should focus on as an entrepreneur, what numbers he tracks and how he uses that information to grow his audience and his business.
Questions I Asked Igor:
- Why is it so important to track and know your numbers as an entrepreneur?
- How do you decide what metrics to track within your business?
- What exactly are you looking at when you examine your sales?
- How do you collect information about clients?
- What is your lead magnet?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- The value of knowing information about where your leads are coming from.
- How Igor uses sociographics, psychographics, and demographics.
- What software/system Igor uses to compile his information.
- How he initiates conversion during his talks.
Connect with Igor
Other Episodes You Might Enjoy:
How to Grow Your Business 6-Fold - (First interview with Igor)
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Podcast Year in Review 2017 - PPP:042
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
So this year was a pretty amazing year. I learned A LOT. A lot about myself, a lot about what I want to achieve, a lot about what I don’t want in my life.
This year was probably the most exciting year for my business than any other year before. This year I took some of the biggest leaps of my life and put myself out there in a way that I had not yet done. I really wanted to hit this year hard. I promised myself in January that I wasn’t going to put any more money into programs or equipment, and just run the business. Well, come March I blew that thought out of the water and hired not one, but three business coaches.
Hiring a business coach, if you’ve listened to any of my podcasts is something that almost every person I interviewed recommended. Hire someone who has success in the field that you want to be in. Hire someone who can show you exactly how to achieve your goals in a fraction of the time it would take for you to do it on your own. Hire someone who has made all of the mistakes already so you don’t have to.
Just saving you the time of thought and practice and trial and error is worth WAY more than the investment itself.
So this year, I wanted to really lead the pack and instead of engaging in conversations around best business practices and how difficult it can be to pay for all of the fees and expenses that come with running a business, I wanted to be a solution.
So for years I had been watching and collecting information on where we as a community need support and guidance and because of working with these coaches, it got me excited and working my fingers to the bone to create the MAXIMize Your Clinic course.
I don’t know about you guys, but the summer this year, at least in my office, was the quietest I had ever experienced. I had days where literally only one patient was booked in and it was a $40 visit. This is a FAR cry from what I’m used to which is at least 8-10 patients per shift and at least $500 per shift. I would come home some night and just say to my husband, “I’m getting really worried”
Then of course the negative self talk starts – Am I a bad ND? Have I done something and now the rumors are spreading to not come and see me? Is there something that I’m doing wrong that is repelling patients?
Of course, I also knew that in this business everything ebbs and flows. I also know that the universe is always looking out for me. It always has.
Every time. Every time I thought about quitting, when I show up the office that day or check my email, almost within the hour a patient books in. That has been my sign that I am doing what I’m doing for a reason.
During the summer was when the clinic was slow, it allowed me the space to write the video scripts, to make the videos, to record podcasts, to create programs for my patients. It gave me the time to complete my bridges.
In case you haven’t read my article on finishing bridges, we as entrepreneurs are very very good at creative thinking. We think of a ton of wonderful ideas. Wonderful projects we want to start. But we don’t finish any of them. So we have all of these unfinished bridges and wonder why we feel so unaccomplished.
Once we complete a bridge we immediately feel like we’re getting somewhere. Like we’re taking command of our business. It lights a fuel under your file and changes your beliefs that anything you want to create is possible. That your potential at succeeding in practice is attainable.
Just think of how many bridges you currently have half completed in your practice…
This year I wanted to complete as many bridges as I could. I wanted to stop waiting for “the right time” and get something going.
So my biggest accomplishment this year was all about letting go of the worry, the negative self talk and being fearless with my business. I created programs, both online and in my practice and launched them before they were even completed. Before they were “perfect”. Knowing, that they’d never be perfect.
I invited people to speak their minds about what I was creating and how I was running things. Through survey’s and questioning and asking in-person how I could help make things better.
Doing that for the past 12-months has made me more grounded, more organized and much stronger for this year. I have my launches mapped out, so I know when they will happen. I feel like I have developed my structure to running my business so it’s more on auto-pilot.
And even despite the drop in patient visits over the summer, because I took these leaps of faith in myself and knew what I was creating and launching to the world came from a place of wanting to serve. Wanting to help. Not about ego or about the money or the revenue. I still achieved the same level of revenue as last year but netted over $10K more.
So to those who are listening to this podcast, really take a few minutes and think about the bridges that you need to complete. What’s holding you back? What is going to prevent you from making 2017 the best year yet in your business – because the only thing that is, is YOU.
I want to take a moment and thank someone who took the time to write to me:
"I just wanted to send you an e-mail to thank you for your podcast on 'Entrepreneur's Guilt' (http://www.maximizedbusiness.ca/26). I am a year out of school, and am starting my own business. To be honest, I really love learning how to figure out how to run google ads and SEO (even though it's occasionally frustrating of course... I'm not tech savvy like you :) I was an employee for the last year and I learned that it's not for me at all.
The past week or so I've been really struggling with the guilt and the fear. My schedule for Jan is very low, I can't pay my own bills, and it's made me think of getting a part time job at a clinic to pay the bills. I can feel it energetically pulling me from my business and I know it contributes to the barren schedule, and I need to think hard about if it's really worth it. Your words and advice were so helpful to me to refocus, figure out where the guilt is really coming from, and take a breath.
Everyday that I'm living this entrepreneur life I am challenged. I am forced to look inside myself and examine my own personal roadblocks. I know I will be successful -- it's the lack of certainty that is making me scared! I really appreciate you and what you're doing to help our profession. Thank you for the reminder to look forward and to trust that success is only a millimeter away."
If you have any doubts or you don’t know where to start, I’m here! The MAXIMize your Clinic course is going to be opening in February and I’m creating more of a community around it more than we had last year. So that’s more support from me and the other members of the group.
I’m also launching a 5-Day Lead Magnet Challenge early-February, so be on the look out for the sign up there. If you’re on my newsletter list, you’ll get notified immediately. If you’re not on the list, go to my website, www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca and join in the Resources page!
TOTALS FOR 2016 AVG (4 weeks off)
# of Patients 1574 131
Acute 916 76
30min 474 40
45min 55 5
Initial 172 14
# of Patients 98 7%
Acute 253 38%
30min -202 -30%
45min -46 -46%
Initial -36 -17%
Online Sales up 600%
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Today I have Jim Palmer on the show again! Today we're going to be talking about how you can best stabilize your practice and set goals so you can make this year the best year yet. In theme of that, I created a free download for you so you can keep track of planning your goals and track the progress at: maximizedbusiness.ca/2017goals
If you missed the last interview I did with Jim you can check it out here:
How to Leverage More Income in Your Practice: Interview with Jim Palmer PPP: 029
Questions I Asked Jim:
- Where should someone start to put the right foot forward at the beginning of the year?
- How do you get people into that place where they're ready to take that leap to jumpstart their business?
- How do you work around the "money mindset" to help people achieve their goals?
- How do you coach entrepreneurs to learn to relinquish control?
- What are some important goal setting techniques that you find to be valuable for entrepreneurs at the beginning of the year?
What You'll Learn From this Episode:
- The importance of having the right mindset when operating your business.
- How relationships with your clients play into the success of your practice.
- The benefits Jim sees in working with/learning directly from someone who has a business in the same field.
- The value Jim believes in leveraging your time and hiring help.
- Jim's advice for getting the hard business work done.
Where to Connect with Jim:
His book: Stop Waiting For It To Get Easier
Other episodes you may enjoy:
Travel Around the World and Still Grow Your Business - PPP:013
Goal Setting - PPP:010
Streamline Your Business - PPP:007
Wednesday Dec 28, 2016
Wednesday Dec 28, 2016
Today I'm joined by Dr. Christina Bjorndal! While she was working on her undergraduate degree at UBC, she experienced a debilitating depression and anxiety which was very difficult to treat. She also had an eating disorder and had a difficult time coping with stress at that time. Like most people, she hadn't heard about naturopathic medicine, so she treated herself with medications that were unfortunately ineffective. After surviving a suicide attempt, she finally began the healing process after reading the book Returning to Love by Mariam Williamson. Up until this point, she was living with the shame and stigma of having a mental illness.
Since reading that book she has spent over 20 years learning to accept herself and her diagnosis with the help of many other practitioners and has found many other ways to treat her mental disease. After attending a mental health forum in 1999, she became a patient of Dr. Abraham Hoffner and experienced her first depression free year in 13 years. It was then that she decided to become a naturopathic doctor to help people heal from all diseases from addiction, to eating disorders, and OCD to name a few.
She has written a book called Beyond the Label: Moving from Mental Illness to Wellness with Naturopathic Medicine which will soon be available on Amazon!
Questions I Asked Christina:
- Describe what it was like to set up your practice.
- Did you always know you wanted to focus on mental health issues?
- What struggles or benefits did you experience opening your practice in a small community?
- How pivotal was it for you to go above and beyond to learn about the area you want to specialize in?
- What are some other areas of your practice that you have found really add to your success in the industry?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- How Christina decided where she would open her practice.
- What Christina believes the number one hurdle is for naturopaths when opening their practices.
- The benefits Christina has found by focusing on one aspect of naturopathic work.
- Why Christina believes in healing yourself as a practitioner before healing other patients.
Important Links:
- Keynote Speaker
- Beyond the Label Book
- Testimonials from Dr. Chris
- Beyond the Label Training
- Moving Beyond the Coaching Program
- Edmonton Naturopathic Blog
Connect with Christina:
Other Episodes You Might Enjoy:
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Dealing With #MomGuilt/ Work-Life Balance - PPP: 039
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Hello everyone.
Thank you again for tuning into another episode of the Profitable Practice Podcast.
Today's podcast episode is really important to me. As I join groups on Facebook, entrepreneurial groups, even our naturopathic groups, I find that at least once a month I see a woman post about GUILT. #momguilt.
The struggles that I see with women in our profession between being a good mom and running a practice comes up so often that I knew I needed to address it. Now to the men out there listening… I am not trying to make this podcast one sided. I love that there are more dads out there who are stepping up and taking a huge role at raising their children while working full time. BUT, I can’t talk about this struggle from your stand point nearly as well as I can as a woman. So to those men who struggle with #dadguilt, I would LOVE to hear your take on this topic.
So here’s the thing… Women make babies… women are supposed to raise said babies and take care of a home. That is our evolutionary role on this planet. It has really only been in the past decade that women are taking a dominant role in the work place.
The people that I see paving the way for entrepreneurship, more than often, are WOMEN. And that’s great, but what is the one thing that is always nagging at us, the one thing that we can be so easily judged on… are we exchanging success for being a good mom?
How many pictures on social media have you seen images of working women with a newborn infant on their lap or in a sling or on the breast getting HUGE media traction…because it shows us women, “We can do it all!” “It is possible to be a good mom and still work hard.”
To that I say, sure! It is possible… but you will sacrifice one to become great at the other.
So I’m going to take a moment and read you a passage from Shonda Rhimes (you know, the women who has taken over Thursday nights. The creator of Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice and Scandal) commencement speech she gave to her alma mater university, Dartmouth, a few years ago.
What inspired me the most about this speech is how she clearly lays out a HUGE LIE that people have been feeding us… that is, Work-Life Balance.
“Shonda, how do you do it all?
Like I'm full of magical magic and special wisdom-ness or something.How do you do it all? And I usually just smile and say like, "I'm really organized." Or if I'm feeling slightly kindly, I say, "I have a lot of help." And those things are true. But they also are not true. And this is the thing that I really want to say. To all of you. Not just to the women out there. Although this will matter to you women a great deal as you enter the work force and try to figure out how to juggle work and family. But it will also matter to the men, who I think increasingly are also trying to figure out how to juggle work and family. And frankly, if you aren't trying to figure it out, men of Dartmouth, youshould be. Fatherhood is being redefined at a lightning-fast rate. You do not want to be a dinosaur.
So women and men of Dartmouth: As you try to figure out the impossible task of juggling work and family and you hear over and over and over again that you just need a lot of help or you just need to be organized or you just need to try just a little bit harder ... as a very successful woman, a single mother of three, who constantly gets asked the question "How do you do it all?" For once I am going to answer that question with 100 percent honesty here for you now. Because it's just us. Because it's our fireside chat. Because somebody has to tell you the truth.
Shonda, how do you do it all?
The answer is this: I don't.
Whenever you see me somewhere succeeding in one area of my life, that almost certainly means I am failing in another area of my life. If I am killing it on a Scandal script for work, I am probably missing bath and story time at home. If I am at home sewing my kid's Halloween costumes, I'm probably blowing off a rewrite I was supposed to turn in. If I am accepting a prestigious award, I am missing my baby's first swim lesson. If I am at my daughter's debut in her school musical, I am missing Sandra Oh's last scene ever being filmed at Grey's Anatomy. If I am succeeding at one, I am inevitably failing at the other. That is the tradeoff. That is the Faustian bargain one makes with the devil that comes with being a powerful working woman who is also a powerful mother. You never feel a hundred percent OK; you never get your sea legs; you are always a little nauseous. Something is always lost. Something is always missing.
And yet. I want my daughters to see me and know me as a woman who works. I want that example set for them. I like how proud they are when they come to my offices and know that they come to Shondaland. There is a land and it is named after their mother. In their world, mothers run companies. In their world, mothers own Thursday nights. In their world, mothers work. And I am a better mother for it. The woman I am because I get to run Shondaland, because I get write all day, because I get to spend my days making things up, that woman is a better person—and a better mother. Because that woman is happy. That woman is fulfilled. That woman is whole. I wouldn't want them to know the me who didn't get to do this all day long. I wouldn't want them to know the me who wasn't doing.”
That is how I balance my work-life and my personal-life. I understand that there are days where Aria is going to watch 3 hours of Peppa Pig in a row so I can get my e-mails created, edit my YouTube videos and learn about how to be a better ND and a better business owner.
I have my life set up in such a way that I don’t need to apologize for wanting to get what I want out of MY life. Because I am still living MY life, I just so happen to be a mother and a wife, and proud to be!
I promised myself a very long time ago that I would not fall into a title of “wife”, “mother”, “maid”, “cook”, “grocery shopper.” That I will share my roles equally with my family and make sure that I prioritize MY time when I need to. And there are times boy where I can feel myself slipping. Where I can feel myself falling into “maid/mother” role and I start to become a version of myself that I do not want to be. I start to feel resentful. I have become so in-tuned to that feeling that I can catch myself within a few days and have a calm, gentle but firm talk with my husband about stepping up and being an EQUAL parent.
I have heard so many women in this profession ask questions just like this one,
“Would anyone be willing to share how they block their weekly schedules to accommodate seeing patients, research, CE/professional development, practice management/building, family time, personal time/fitness, meal planning etc. Right now life feels far more chaotic than I think it should. I have a 3yo now and would love to have another in the next couple years but it's hard to even entertain that possibly with all the business ambitions I have as well. I just try to fit in business and patient research into random times during my week and I find I'm never fully present as an entrepreneur or as a mother. I'm sure there's a easier way to make this work.”
Here’s how I responded: “The most important thing that I did was make sure that when I'm at work, I work. I am completely focused, because when I get home everyone wants a piece of "mom." I also am never afraid to ask for time away from my family. If I need to get away and get work done, or stay later and get work done, then I ask for it and almost always get it.”
The take home statement from that is… I ASKED FOR IT. How many patients have you seen that are struggling to keep it all together and one of your solutions to them was, “Well, have you asked your kids to put away their clothes or do the laundry? Have you asked your husband if he can take the kids to soccer practice and make dinner before hand?”
As women, we are commonly afraid to talk to our spouses about what our true desires are. What we still want out of our lives as well as be a great mom. We are afraid to ask for help because as women, we were raised to believe that it’s our “duty” to take care of everyone before ourselves.
To that I say, cut that shit out! I am NOT a born mother. I love Aria more than anything and I am so pumped to meet this new little girl in a few weeks. What I love even more than that, is exactly what Shonda said in her speech… I can’t wait for them to see their mom in action – kicking ass and taking names in the in-office and online space. I can’t wait to show them what a strong, independent woman looks like but most importantly what hard work looks like and what it looks like to not give up on your goals/dreams/aspirations just because you have a family.
So to all of those women in our field, married or not, mothers or not, I really hope that this episode gave you a little more strength to keep doing you. Keep being that badass mamma jamma that you are and don’t like old evolutionary thoughts start to invade your head.
Build a business that allows you more time at home, but do NOT stop building that business.
Understand that amount of work and effort it takes to build a 7-figure practice, and consider that maybe taking home $50K every year, if it allows you to sleep 8-9 hours per night, take weekends off and enjoy being a health-preneur and a parent, is just fine.
We often get so caught up in the hustle, in the race, in the money, that we forget what we really want out of our lives. So to you, I encourage you to write down 3 hard limits. 3 things that you do not want to give up on the road to your success and DO NOT waiver.
The more successful you are in business, the less successful you are as a mother, and vice versa… and that’s ok. That’s why I have created this podcast, and the free webinars that I host every couple of weeks, and the MAXIMize Your Clinic course.
My goal for you is to make your life as an ND a little less time consuming. A little less stressful and a LOT more fulfilling.
If you’re not already a part of the newsletter to find out about these resources that I just discussed, I strongly encourage you to go to www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/resources and sign up!
Let me take care of you while you take care of everyone and everything else in your life!
So with that, I’m signing off on this episode, and I strongly encourage you to share this one with anyone you know struggling with #momguilt, #dadguilt or #worklifebalance.
This is Andrea Maxim, and I’m out.
Links Mentioned:
Other Episodes You May Enjoy:
MAXIMize Your Profits in 10min per Week
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Today we're peeling away the curtain so we can talk about money. We're going to discuss knowing where your money is, managing your money, and how to avoid any heart attacks, that can definitely happen around tax season. We're talking to Shannon Lee Simmons on this episode and she's going to go over how to manage your finances better.
Shannon is a Certified Financial Planner and founder of the New School of Finance. She was named one of Canada’s Top 30 Under 30, the 2014 Notable Award for Best In Finance. Shannon has a monthly column for Globe and Mail personal finance section and is the personal finance expert on CBC's On The Money.
After listening to this episode you'll be prepared to manage your money better and your business will most definitely benefit from that.
Questions I Asked Shannon:
- What got you into the financial planning realm?
- What prompted you to focus on your particular niche?
- Why is it so important to register your business?
- What happens if your business makes more money than you expected
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Shannon's biggest tips for an entrepreneur in the first few years of their business.
- The importance of tracking your profits.
- How you can lower your tax bill.
- The various meanings of "registering your business."
- Shannon's guidelines for writing off business expenses.
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Do You Know Yourself Well Enough To Grow Your Practice? - PPP: 037
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Today we're focusing on what makes someone a good business owner. Have you ever wondered why some things come so easily to you, and you're just so good at those things but then other times you're just completely avoiding certain things because you hate doing them, you don't know how to do them, or they're just not enjoyable?
We have to start acknowledging those things because if you want to start incorporating other people into your business, whether it be an office manager or receptionist, or other associates, etc. you want to be attracting the people that are going to help you grow not help you fail.
You're not good at everything.
It's important for you to recognize this now so you don't waste time, money, and resources trying to do things that you're not good at/don't know how to do/don't like trying to do. Find people whose strengths are your weaknesses, whatever they are.
Do you know what your strengths are when it comes to your business?
Write these down:
- What are you good at?
- What impresses others about you?
- What do you love to do?/What are your passions?
- What comes naturally to you that other people stumble on?
- What works really well within your clinic?
By answering these questions, you will be able to support those things you love/your passions/what you're good at.
This comes full circle to the Myer Briggs Test...
This test is a free personality test that helps you identify why you are the way you are. By taking this test you'll be able to determine your strengths, what your tendencies are, and how you live your life. Today I'm going over my results and sharing them with you.
Take the Myer Briggs Test!
We will then discuss how you can use your results from the test and apply them to your business so you can align yourself with people who compliment you.
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
How To Craft Your Most Productive Day: Interview with Craig Ballantyne - PPP: 036
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
Craig Ballantyne is a Productivity & Success Transformation Coach from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and the author ofThe Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control YourLife. He has been contributing to Men's Health magazine since 2000, and in 2001, Craig created the popular home workout program, Turbulence Training.
On his journey to success, Craig had to overcome crippling anxiety attacks, and he beat them with his 5 Pillars of Transformation. Today Craig shows men and women how to use the 5 Pillars to lose 10 to 75 pounds, get a raise and make more money, find the love of their life, and overcome any obstacle in the way of success.
You can read his daily essays on success, productivity, and fitness at EarlyToRise.com.
Questions I Asked Craig:
- How did you get into coaching?
- How were you able to overcome anxiety to get to where you are now?
- What are "The 5 Pillars?"
- What do you do when an entrepreneur tells you that an entrepreneur has no one supporting them on their journey?
- How do you help someone keep their motivation up?
What You'll Learn in This Episode:
- How entrepreneurs can maintain their health while still working hard.
- The importance of planning and preparation in any aspect of your life.
- What professional accountability is and why you need it.
- How to overcome the initial inertia of getting started.
Connect with Craig:
Monday Sep 26, 2016
Listener Question #2: Brand Myself or Brand My Clinic? - PPP: 035
Monday Sep 26, 2016
Monday Sep 26, 2016
Here’s Ashley’s Question: “Since many NDs are associates in other clinics, it might be interesting to hear about how to develop one's own brand as an individual within an established clinic. Most NDs seem to have their own websites, but should we also have our own cards, branding, banners for tradeshows, merchandise, brochures, etc. Does it become confusing for patients? I'm at two clinics so it might actually bring clarity and consistency.”
This is something that I see time and time again troubling new associates – should I blend in with the clinic and let them brand me or should I brand myself?
My answer – Always Create a Back Up Plan, in other words, Always Brand Yourself.
I am a clinic owner and an associate, and even within my own clinic – which has it’s own logo and name, I still brand my face and my personal name on anything. To me a clinic is simply the building to which you offer your services. An address.
More likely than not, when patients want to refer you, they will remember your name first and the clinic name second. When people talk about you, you want them to use your personal identity, not “the naturopath at “so and so clinic” helped me with my digestion. If there are multiple NDs in one space, how will that new patient find you if you brand yourself as just one of the associates at the clinic?
This also includes giving people direct access to YOU. When I try to reach out to other companies, or even other NDs personally, and I have to go through the generic clinic website, the first thought that runs through my head is – who’s actually going to read this? When? Will it just get lost in the shuffle of all the other e-mails?
Giving people that personal touch, your personal e-mail or a direct link to you somehow (you could even use social media handles) is also a good idea as the patients know they are connecting directly to you to book in.
Also, with your personal website, you can grow yourself faster as an authority than you could ever do with the clinic website. Your About Me page needs to include every single talk, seminar, blog post, youtube video you’ve ever done. As patients see that, they will be impressed with how much work you’ve done and will feel more comfortable putting their health into YOUR hands, not just the clinic’s.
Marketing Materials
The other most important thing is that you might not be at that space 3, 5, 10 years from now. It’s common for NDs to move at least 2 to 3 times throughout the lifespan of their career and if you don’t have consistent branding to move with you, you will constantly be starting from scratch.
At every clinic I joined, even if they offered me free business cards or brochures, I always designed and purchased my own. One with MY services, with MY picture and MY personal contact information – with of course the clinic name and address.
If a clinic owner has an issue with this, let them use their marketing material in the clinic, but when you’re networking, doing talks, giving out your materials to your patients, use your own. If they still have an issue, remind them why you’re there. You’re at their clinic to bring in money. You won’t be able to do it that well if you blend into their marketing campaigns.
One of my MAXIMize Your Clinic VIPs just got fired from her clinic because she was bringing in too many of her own patients and doing too much of her own branding! That’s the most ludicrous story I have ever heard! Luckily, at the exact same time, the clinic she’s been wanting to join just opened a possible position for her – talk about the universe looking out for you!
If the clinic owner wants to be possessive, then that may be a red flag for a healthy working relationship down the road.
Growing your Business
Patients always choose the PERSON they relate to. That’s how to attract them. That’s how to establish the therapeutic relationship and most importantly, that’s how to create word-of-mouth referrals.
Building a personal brand will always be easier and faster especially if you want to start doing more speaking engagements, podcast interviews, online summits and guest blogging.
As a personal brand, it also allows you to speak directly to your Ideal Patient Audience. The exact patient you want to attract. Be it fertility for women ages 20-35yo, PCOS women wanting to get pregnant, celiac patients ages 10-40yo. You name it.
You know that there’s patients that you’re seeing in office that you really resonate with. You get amazing results with. The research into their case inspires you. Those are your Ideal Patients and you need to make your marketing efforts speak to THEM. If you let the clinic run all the social media and branding, you’re going to lose your voice and therefore lose a lot of potential patients.
NURTURING is also a huge part of the game of naturopathic medicine.
As a clinic, if they send out newsletters it may be 1-2 times per month, and it’s boringly promoting the clinic’s services with maybe a quick article or two on healthy living.
Do not let the clinic nurture your patients! You need to be sending them personal information from YOU about your teachings, your learning, from your brand. You should be speaking to your patients with great free information weekly. And, as you do more guest speaking, you collect those leads and nurture them to become new patients.
The clinic will do a REALLY REALLY bad job of nurturing your ideal patients because it’s a business of associates, not centered around you.
Blending the Two
There is certainly a way you can blend the two if you wish.
Ask the clinic owners if you can have access to their website for blogging and social media for posting. Literally copy and paste your personal material and repost it again onto the clinic site. There’s never anything wrong with duplicating your material online.
You may want to slightly reformat the copy as the clinic versus as your personal self, but never feel that you can’t put the same information out there, just in a slightly different format.
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
Selling a CE Credit Approved Program to NDs: Interview with Dr. Ameet - PPP: 034
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
This is a special episode because today's guest is a naturopath who is so passionate naturopathic medicine and about our community as ND's as well as giving back to communities that need our help, but can't necessarily afford us.
In today's podcast, I suggest that you listen to the very end because there is a special program that this particular ND has created that not only helps the naturopathic community, but it also helps to serve his long term vision and mission to give back to the communities in his area, to do more community service, and to help create medical clinics where we can offer naturopathic medicine to these people that are in need of us.
Questions I Asked Ameet:
- How did you get so far into the field?
- How do you manage to get your patients to open up to you so you can get to a deeper level of treatment?
- What is it like coaching naturopathic students?
- How did you go about creating this program?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- How to support a client in their suffering.
- How to find comfort with their discomfort when seeing someone in a crisis.
- What Ameet does when he has a shorter amount of time to go in depth with a client.
- How Ameet got approved through Cono.
Important Links:
- The 5 Systems Course" CE Course Sign Up
- Dr. Ameet's Feel Good Book: When you buy 50 or more books for your family, organization, charity or clinic, Ameet can run a mobile clinic with that!
- Free videos on health.drameet.com