I'm Dr. Andrea Maxim, naturopathic doctor and business coach for wellness practitioners. I blog at MAXIMizedBusiness.ca. The Profitable Practice Podcast is a show to help you grow your career, practice, or clinic into a profitable business. Tune in weekly to learn from me and stories/interviews with successful practitioners!

Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Setting Yourself Up For Success This Year: with Andrea Maxim - PPP: 073
Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Today is going to be another show that's just you and me. I want to talk to you about setting up your year for success. I've been getting a lot of questions via email, Instagram, Facebook, and even from my coaching clients. Traditionally I answer each one, but I've decided to just hop on here and answer them for everyone. It might mean some of the shows are a bit shorter, but that also means you get a quick nugget of info to take with you as you progress through your business. I think it'll be a great addition to the show and I hope you can learn a little about what I'm teaching other people to do.
I hope you have been having a fantastic 2018 so far. I personally just finished doing my longest live training ever! I just did my half day intensive with my coaching clients in the Maximize Your Business Course. It was phenomenal! Everything went off without a hitch, we were able to stay on time, even while switching locations. There were a lot of little "aha!" moments that came with taking the time to schedule out your day. That's what we're going to talk about today.
I'm going to share with you how I plan out my schedule and make sure I stay on task, we'll talk about what I really encourage people to think about when they're planning out their year, and the importance of having a game plan in your practice. We'll also be talking about how it's impossible to do everything on your own.
This week the sponsor is my 7 Day Detox Program. It's a complete done for you program that walks you through everything you need to do to create either an in-office or an online program, depending on where you are and what you do. This program comes with all of the emails, scripts, protocols, and everything I do. I actually do this program with almost every single new patient and out of everything I do in my office, I get the most repeat business with my 7 Day Detox.
Find it here: www.Maximizedbusiness.ca/7DayDetoxProgram
What We're Focusing on Today:
- How to get clear on how you want your year to progress.
- The importance of delegating small tasks.
- What a "brain dump" is and why you should do one.
- A few of my favorite tools right now that are helping me accomplish what I want.

Sunday Jan 14, 2018
The Belief Road Map: Interview with Matt Gersper - PPP: 072
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
This is the first episode of 2018 and before we jump in I just want to say thank you so much for listening to this podcast and for all of your support. I've been doing this for about a year now and the momentum is building thanks to you. So thank you again for your comments, encouragement, and for sharing this show. This is one of the things that I always wanted to do to give back to you guys to show you that you can be profitable and successful in this industry. I never planned a budget or a schedule for this podcast, I just did it. This show excites me, inspires me, and allows me to connect with you guys in a way that I didn't think that was possible. So thank you again for following me on this journey.
Today I've invited Matt Gersper onto the show. He'll be talking to us about beliefs, financial freedom, and living the life that we want to. I felt that it was important to talk about this today because I always hear people stressing about results and getting stuck in a place of survival, which is often caused by fear. People can feel that fear when you're trying to push things onto your clients and I want you to work from a place of service instead. Service is when we care more about the outcome of our patients than we do the outcome for ourselves. It's more important to have happy, satisfied clients with conversion rates and increased traffic.
Entrepreneurship is never easy, but I want to help you live the life that you want to live.
Questions I Asked Matt:
- You talk about people feeling a need to be significant, why do you think that is?
- What is a belief roadmap?
- How do you identify which beliefs don't work for you and how do you get rid of them?
- What can someone do to block negativity coming from other people?
- How does someone find "financial fitness?"
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- What it means to do something from a place of survival vs. a place of service.
- How to practice reflection within your life.
- Why people tend to blame external forces and situations.
- The importance of having something you want to do, every day.
- Matt's top tips for building wealth.
Get a Free copy of Matt's Belief Roadmap HERE!
Connect with Matt
Facebook | Twitter | Happy Living | Books

Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Associate to Clinic Owner: Interview with Margaret Romero - PPP: 071
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Today we're going to be talking about the differences between just graduating college and feeling pressure to open your own practice vs. giving yourself time and allowing life to lead you down to where you need to go when you're ready.
I've brought on Margaret Romero, a nurse practitioner who is very much on board with functional and naturopathic medicine. Something that we touch on in the episode, which I think is a huge misconception in our industry, is that the successful practitioners are the ones who own the clinic space and have the associates. We think it paints this beautiful picture that if you own the space you're collecting 100% of all the money and because you have associates, you have all this residual income coming into you. Quite honestly, I don't think that's the case, nor do I think you should open up a clinic right as soon as you graduate.
I've talked to so many people who have just graduated college and more often than not they have no idea who they want to attract, or what kind of branding they want to have, or what kind of naturopath they want to be because they haven't had the opportunity to get their feet wet.
In my opinion, when one graduates college they should align themselves with naturopaths they aspire to be or who they can have as a mentor. It's in this environment that new grads can learn the skills from those who are managing clinics. This makes it so much easier to figure out what kind of clinic to run, what kinds of patients to see, where to set up permanently, etc.
Questions I Asked Margaret:
- What are the steps someone should take when they are looking to start their practice when they may not have the funds to do so?
- What is your recommendation for funding a practice? Should someone get a business loan, a line of credit, use savings, etc.?
- How do you know when you're ready to move on to a new role and then eventually open your own space?
- Can you talk about being a space owner vs being an associate and that mindset change?
- Do you find that the benefits of hiring people such as an IT person, someone to manage your podcast, etc. outweigh the costs?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- How Margaret got into the field that she's in.
- Margaret's advice for recent graduates who have hopes to open their own practice.
- Why she recommends having a side job while getting your business off the ground.
- How Margaret went about building her team online.
- Her best tips about self-care and how important it is.
Connect with Margaret

Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Getting Shit Done: Interview with Becky Newhook - PPP: 070
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
In this episode, we're focusing on making consistent action. I've brought on Becky Newhook who runs a marketing agency and she's also Canadian! In the interview, we talk about the basics and how we can get people to take action. If you're anything like me, you make these big plans, you figure out how you're going to execute it, and you may even put it in your calendar, but there can still be this fear of implementation. That can happen for numerous reasons but it can be difficult to navigate which is why I wanted to bring on Becky. She'll be talking to us today about how to get over that fear, how to make things feel a lot less scary than they have to be in order to just keep implementing.
You'll hear this all the time from people: consistency is the key.
[spp-tweet tweet="Consistency is the key. - Andrea Maxim"]
If there's something you really want to do, you have to keep doing it and thank goodness there are plenty of tools out there to help you create and schedule thing even when you get busy. There's no excuse to not keep making content, keep that list building growing, or draw new clients. If you're struggling with getting things done, creating content, or just stepping up to the plate and doing something, this show is absolutely something you're going to want to listen to.
This week the sponsor is my 7 Day Detox Program. It's a complete done for you program that walks you through everything you need to do to create either an in-office or an online program, depending on where you are and what you do. This program comes with all of the emails, scripts, protocols, and everything I do. I actually do this program with almost every single new patient and out of everything I do in my office, I get the most repeat business with my 7 Day Detox program.
Questions I Asked Becky:
- How do you get people to focus on long-term goals and strategies with their businesses?
- What are some ways we can improve our authenticity on social media?
- Should videos on social media be perfect? Or is it more important to just put out content?
- How do you get people to be true to themselves so they don't find a reason to stop being consistent?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Why Becky tells her clients to have a budget from day 1.
- Her recommendations when it comes to creating a website and how much to spend on it.
- How to incorporate marketing into your budget.
- Why it's okay to make mistakes on social media and how to use that to your advantage.
- How Becky helps her clients plan the content they create months ahead.
Connect with Becky

Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Today we're talking to Lauren Devill. The cool thing about today's interview is we're not focusing on one particular topic, instead, it's basically a complete checklist of all of the amazing things that you can start to do to promote yourself, your business, and to get things jumpin' and bumpin'. If you are listening to this around the time it's being posted, the beginning of November, which for my Canadian listeners especially, this is the key time to be letting your patients know that they have 2 months to use up their benefits. I actually have one person, which I mention in the interview, who has promoted on Facebook, using Facebook ads, promoting that this is her client's last chance to book now, and she's already had a massive onslaught of bookings in her calendar. I can also tell you that my calendar is totally exploding right now too.
So get those emails out, let people know, and what I like to do around this time are a series of countdowns: an 8-week, a 6-week, and a 4-week, and then that last month it's a weekly reminder to tell my patients to come in. We want to make sure Q4 finishes with a bang!
The Maximize Your Clinic Course is going to be opening for enrollment.
We have massive promos and discounts going on right now.
This will be the last time that we open enrollment for 2018!
Check out: maximizedbusiness.ca
Questions I Asked Lauren:
- How has your brother, who has had no medical experience, had such a big influence on you?
- What have you learned about writing articles that result in getting people into your office?
- Describe how you've committed to writing articles for so many years?
- Can you talk a bit about creating consistent content on social media?
- Do you have certain strategies for blog posts?
- What is it that you find about podcasting that has positively supported your business?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- How Lauren niched herself within the naturopath space.
- What Lauren did to become the #1 naturopath in Tuscon, Arizona.
- Why she feels that blocking her schedule has increased success in her business.
- How she became an author and what that process was like for her.
- What Lauren suggests for someone who is just starting to create content.
Connect with Lauren
Website | Twitter | Her Book | Her Podcast

Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Do You Know Your True Tendencies? with Andrea Maxim - PPP: 068
Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Today is a solo show, it's just going to be you and me. I'd like to start doing more shows just the two of us as opposed to interviewing people all the time (although I'm always open to more interviews of course). So as things are inspiring me, or I'm learning new practices or techniques, I'll bring them to light here on the podcast as tips and tricks for you to be thinking about in your own business.
In this episode, I'll be delving into how a particular conversation with my husband really brought me a ton of stress in a way that I hadn't expected. I'll also be talking about what I did to figure out why I reacted that way and how learning a bit about myself has brought me more clarity in my life. Lastly, after all of this, I found that so much of what I learned through all of this applied to so many of my patients.
Over the past few months, my husband and I have been discussing the possibility of having a third child. Coming into this discussion, I found that it rocked me more than I thought that it ever would. I really needed to analyze what my thoughts were and what I wanted to do as well as weigh out what my husband was feeling about the topic. A few weeks into this ongoing discussion, I sort of realized something... I was being influenced by people all of the time. For so long I've based my life decisions on what other people want. This was the first time in my life that I did a tremendous amount of soul-searching.
So I took a ton of time to really look at what I was feeling during all of this. I asked myself, why am I so focused on making sure everyone else is okay when having a third child felt so conflicting to me? I called up my friend Susan and over the course of an hour (on a Facebook live stream), we had a conversation about mindfulness. We talked about things that I didn't even think mattered to the current situation I was in. Leaving the conversation I felt a huge release and I felt this empowerment that I hadn't felt before. I felt clear about why I was feeling the way I did about having a third child.
A few days later I felt like I was in a sort of a funk again so I decided to pick up The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin (who also wrote The Happiness Project). So I sat there for 2 hours and devoured the book. It helped me discover my innate tendencies as to why and how I experience my life and it was an incredibly enlightening moment for me. In the episode, I go in depth about what tendency fits me and what I learned about myself and how I've been able to implement what I learned with my patients and coaching clients.
Knowing your true tendencies as well as your clients and/or patients will allow you to grow your business and improve your work more than you would have ever known. Listen to the episode, let me know what you think, and
If you are looking for a coach, I would love to be that coach for you. I do give free sessions to sort of put you on the right track, and I also do paid one-on-one coaching. I offer three-month, six-month, and twelve-month plans. I would love to discuss which plan would work for you in terms of the levels of accountability and achievement that would best suit you. For me, having a twelve-month coach on standby and having the ability to check in each week for me has been a massive change for my business. If you're not running your business the way you'd like to, let me help you achieve those inner and outer expectations you have for yourself so you can start killing it in your business.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested, I encourage you to email me at: info@themaximmovement.com
Please leave a comment below about your thoughts on the episode, any topics you'd like to hear on the show, or any questions you have.
Connect with Andrea

Monday Oct 09, 2017
The Real Story of Growing a Business: Interview with Jill Stanton - PPP: 067
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Today we're going to be talking about living a "laptop lifestyle." Running an online business is just as much work as having a brick and mortar business. There are times where I feel incredibly overwhelmed when I think about all the things I have to do. I can be a good self-motivator, but I know there are ways that I can improve. You have to constantly be adapting.
Utilizing the internet for your business can feel like a hugely daunting task, but it's so important. I'm in my 7th year of business and I can say that it doesn't necessarily get easier, but you have to keep trying. This is why I wanted to bring on Jill Stanton. Jill and her husband are the owners of the "Screw You" empire. She tells it like it is. She's comfortable with who she is and you can see that in her business.
My biggest takeaway from my interview with Jill is how she put together her program. She didn't sell some crazy promises or anything like that, but she really breaks down how to get to the level in your business that you want to, with no B-S. A lot of people may sugarcoat their experiences or give some sort of cliches, but today we are going to be 100% transparent.
This week the sponsor is my 7 Day Detox Program. It’s a complete done for you program that walks you through everything you need to do to create either an in-office or an online program, depending on where you are and what you do. This program comes with all of the emails, scripts, protocols, and everything I do. I actually do this program with almost every single new patient and out of everything I do in my office, I get the most repeat business with my 7 Day Detox.
Find it HERE
Questions I Asked Jill:
- How did you get into the online space?
- What do you tell people who want to change their minds in their business?
- How do you coach people through the fear of starting their own business?
- Have you found entrepreneurship to be isolating?
- Do you have any stories about transitional moments in your business you can share?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Why Jill doesn't sell the "magic pill" solution.
- How Jill and her husband have successfully run a business together.
- What she does to cultivate relationships to grow her business and find support.
- How Jill and her husband deal with people who "don't get it."
- The value Jill has found from being apart of mastermind groups.
[spp-tweet tweet="Figure out what you need, in terms of support, so you can communicate that with your significant other. - Jill Stanton"]
Connect with Jill

Monday Oct 09, 2017
5-Figure Live Launch Breakdown: with Andrea Maxim - PPP: 066
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Today it's just you and me.
For this particular show, we're going to be talking about the realities of doing things online. I find that I always love when people break down everything for me... the steps they used, what tools they liked, etc. Today I'm going to be sharing all the details from my last launch, my first 5-Figure launch, with you. I'll be breaking down everything that's involved because when I coach people or people ask me about launching programs, I think the conception is all you have to do is send out a few emails, people will sign on because they'll love you, and then you'll be making a ton of money.

Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
How to Manage Your Time In Practice: Interview with Joe Sanok - PPP:065
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
A few weeks ago we talked about simplifying your practice with Luisa. We chatted about how you don't have to invest a ton of money, or do a lot of things, or make things more complicated than they need to be, etc. But you do need to take action and there are some basic steps regarding what you have to do. Today I'm talking to a guest who will share how to free up your life. Instead of worrying about a life-business balance, we're going to just be talking about a life balance. You should never allow your business to be all-consuming.
Of course, when you get your business going, I'm expecting you to hustle, work a little bit more, and create those systems for yourself. I'm hoping that if you've been listening to this podcast, I've given you a lot of ways to set up your practice right the first time. What we're talking about today is how you can strategically run a business even when you're not there. It's about spending time where you want to. We're not talking about programs, passive income, online streams, etc., we're talking about how to create your practice in such a way that will allow you to live a better life so your business isn't running your life.
This week the sponsor is my 7 Day Detox Program. It’s a complete done for you program that walks you through everything you need to do to create either an in-office or an online program, depending on where you are and what you do. This program comes with all of the emails, scripts, protocols, and everything I do. I actually do this program with almost every single new patient and out of everything I do in my office, I get the most repeat business with my 7 Day Detox.
Find it HERE
Questions I Asked Joe:
- How did you get into helping other practitioners become successful in their practices?
- What can someone do to use their time productively?
- How do you coach someone to learn to delegate tasks to employees or added help to their business?
- What do you do to manage your social life, family life, and business life?
- Are all of these strategies applicable to someone who doesn't have a big practice?
What You'll Learn From this Episode:
- How to block and compartmentalize your time.
- The importance of catering to your life, over your client's lives.
- How to overcome the fear of taking time away from your business.
- Things someone can do to minimize distractions.
- How to create systems that will allow one's business to thrive and allow them to hand off tasks to someone else.
Connect with Joe
Website | Podcast | Facebook | Twitter
Listen to Last Week's Episode!

Monday Sep 11, 2017
Make Your Website Work for You: Interview with Erin Flyn - PPP: 059
Monday Sep 11, 2017
Monday Sep 11, 2017
This week the sponsor is my 7 Day Detox Program. It's a complete done for you program that walks you through everything you need to do to create either an in-office or an online program, depending on where you are and what you do. This program comes with all of the emails, scripts, protocols, and everything I do. I actually do this program with almost every single new patient and out of everything I do in my office, I get the most repeat business with my 7 Day Detox.
Find it HERE
Questions I Asked Erin:
- Why does someone need to have a website?
- How much time does the average person spend on a website?
- What are some deterrents that keep people from staying on your website?
- What tabs should people have on their website?
- Should someone make their website themselves or should they hire someone?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- What a website should be doing for your business.
- The importance of having a call to action on your site.
- The #1 thing you should have on your website.
- How Erin suggests structuring your homepage.
- Why you should have an "About Me" page and what you should put on it.