I'm Dr. Andrea Maxim, naturopathic doctor and business coach for wellness practitioners. I blog at MAXIMizedBusiness.ca. The Profitable Practice Podcast is a show to help you grow your career, practice, or clinic into a profitable business. Tune in weekly to learn from me and stories/interviews with successful practitioners!

Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Hello everyone!! Welcome to another episode of the profitable practice podcast. I brought on a repeat offender today it's Christina Bjorndal as she is my go-to person when it comes to dealing with mental-emotional health issues with patients.
I think we all know that every new patient has some sort of emotional issue, regardless of how many physical complaints they list on their intake form. When you witness it, wanting to open those boxes can be really scary, and kind of daunting, especially if you're more new into your practice... but going there is really what will solidify your therapeutic relationship.
Really, it is a fundamental piece of figuring out what that individual emotional item is for that particular patient. The superficial stuff, a lot of us can understand and we always want to create solutions for those first. But to make the treatment really stick, we also need to identify what the mental blockages are and what the emotional blockages are of that the person in front of us.
This doesn't mean you need to become a counselor, but it does mean you at least need to help the person connect the dots and just allow for the therapeutic space to be available to just listen to the person.
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Training --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/ProgramWebinar
Questions I Asked Dr. Chris:
- What are those initial steps that need to be taken when discussing the mental-emotional story and why it is so important?
- How do you approach the mental-emotional discussion with your patients?
- Why is it so important for us to do our own mental-emotional work ourselves?
- Do you ever discuss your own personal story with your patients?
- Why this is so important for all practitioners to implement into their businesses?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Guidance on how to manage your patients' mental health
- Importance of addressing every patients' mental health concerns and histories
- Why is it important for all practitioners to address their own mental health blockages too, to become a better practitioner

Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Hello everyone!! Welcome to another episode of the profitable practice podcast. We are gonna get down in dirty with your numbers today peeps. I do this every 6 months with my MAXIMize Your Clinic members. We have a half-day intensive call. It's 5hours long. And one of the biggest profound outcomes that people have is when we actually start playing around with their numbers to see exactly where their success can come from and what it takes to achieve those numbers.
The biggest issue that I've found with business owners, regardless of profession, is that they try to avoid on looking at their actual numbers in real time, on a consistent basis. Unfortunately without doing this, you will be unable to properly track how successful your businesses is running.
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Training --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/ProgramWebinar
Questions I Asked Whitedove:
1. How do you work with your clients around making the conversation about money not so "icky"?
2. Where do you usually get your clients to start by laying it all out and tracking things and how often?
3. What is the cloud based data entry doing that's making your life way easier?
4. What are the chartered accounts we should definitely be using?
5. How often are we looking at this financial picture to really command our business?
6. What are the most common bad/good habits you've seen with your clients?
7. What are some of the things that you've seen really make some profound differences in the execution of their financial picture moving forward?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
1. Guide on how to make a conversation about money with your clients.
2. Guide on how to track things with your business
3. The benefit of using Cloud base entry
4. Chartered account
Free Optin: https://www.whitedove-gannon.com/turbo-spreadsheet
About Whitedove Gannon
Meet Whitedove. A down to earth creative with an analytical process for small businesses. Over the past 4 years of growing an accounting and bookkeeping business, she has had the pleasure of leading other small businesses and entrepreneurs to stay ahead of the financial aspect of their business while creating an opportunity for them to run their business efficiently in a cloud based environment. With a desire to re-invent traditional bookkeeping and redefine what it means to be efficient, Whitedove created the StartUP Academy for Entrepreneurs, a resource with tools for small businesses to learn, and run, the financial aspect of their business, while they grow.
She holds a degree in Accounting, and is Advanced Certified in Quickbooks Online.

Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Your Clinic Needs a Facelift: Interview with Cheryl Janis (Audio) - PPP: 081
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Welcome to another episode of the Profitable Practice Podcast, and this show is something that is kind of a long time coming. I had this guest on previously and literally as soon as the episode was over I sad "You know what? Everything that you said made absolute sense, how can I start working with you and start making some changes into the way my clinic is looking."
So, if you have listened to this episode it was my first episode with Cheryl Janis where you definitely want to go back and listen to that one. And so, we had this call it was all done virtually and she helped me completely redesign. I cannot tell you the difference the way it made me feel coming to work, the way that patients where everyone has been so calm and so happy, we had a ton of new people coming in, whether that's because of the ambiance that the people are experiencing just by changing the paint color.
But it was just massive to everything, especially for me as a person living there, I was ready to pack up everything and just give up the place. And I just really needed an update, and I love how Janis just layed everything out.
This week the sponsor is my 7 Day Detox Program. It’s a complete done for you program that walks you through everything you need to do to create either an in-office or an online program, depending on where you are and what you do. This program comes with all of the emails, scripts, protocols, and everything I do. I actually do this program with almost every single new patient and out of everything I do in my office, I get the most repeat business with my 7 Day Detox.
Find it here: www.Maximizedbusiness.ca/7DayDetoxProgram
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Clinic design trends that engage with patients
- Rectilinear shapes affect vibes
- Treatment room designs and more

Wednesday May 30, 2018
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Today, I'm interviewing a new guest and we're gonna be talking about how people, and new patients, and new clients or prospective patients & clients are just not engaging with us as they used to. So back in the day, it was always like, "You know, I was referred to you as the doctor my Mom, or my Friend goes to see you" and there are no questions asked it was just sort of "I'm gonna book in with you, because I got your name from someone.". And now, people are doing a lot more investigation on their own when it comes to their health, and they're also doing a lot more investigation on us. And, I can tell you from my own experience, I will have people that will come to me and they say "Yep, I've listened to all of your YouTube videos, I've looked at everything you've done online, and that's why I decided to book this appointment" or "Yeah, I know you're seeing my best friend, but I wanted to do a bit more research about you or other healthcare practitioners in the area before making a decision".
I've even had people that interviewed me and they said: "Well, I'm gonna be seeing a few other people for 15-minute consultation before I choose which practitioner I'm gonna work with". So, people are getting very very skeptical, they're getting very weary and leary about who they're spending their time with. So, I wanted to bring one Madeline Silva to talk about sort of the changes in the Healthcare Industry when it comes to creating more touch points with your prospective clients before they actually come into your office.
This week the sponsor is my 7 Day Detox Program. It’s a complete done for you program that walks you through everything you need to do to create either an in-office or an online program, depending on where you are and what you do. This program comes with all of the emails, scripts, protocols, and everything I do. I actually do this program with almost every single new patient and out of everything I do in my office, I get the most repeat business with my 7 Day Detox.
Find it here: www.Maximizedbusiness.ca/7DayDetoxProgram
Questions I Asked Madeline:
1. How patients are now interacting with healthcare practitioners differently with regards to this unlimited access to information online?
2. How many touch points do you think it takes for a patient to engage with you as a practitioner?
3. How to give quick wins before they become actual paying patients?
4. What to do to convince skeptical patients?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
1. How to convert potential patients to paying patients.
2. Importance of Social Media to get new patients.
3. Use of Facebook Live and Facebook Groups to get new potential paying patients.
4. How to convince skeptical patients

Tuesday May 29, 2018
5 Strategies to Seriously Boost Your Biz (audio) - PPP: 079
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Today, It's just gonna be an episode that's just you and me, and there's no interviewee on this particular one. Why is this episode so important? It's because I just got back from my very first live event with my mastermind group. So it's been a long time coming, I've been really thinking about wanting to get into a mastermind group for a number of years now, but the ones that I've been hearing about are a huge investment and I just didn't feel like I was ready to join something like that in my business, so what I want to talk about was "How to make sure that you're making the right investments when it comes to your business" and I wanted you some rapid fire reviews off all the amazing things that I learned while I was away for that two day live event.
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
1. How do I know when I'm ready to join a big group coaching mastermind of some sort?
2. How to make sure that you're making the right investments when it comes to your business?
3. How to use Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest to grow your business?
4. Automated Webinars
5. Smarter Queue
6. Launch Runways

Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
Hey Guys! Welcome to another episode of the Profitable Practice Podcast.
Thank you so much for continuing to download, continuing to listen in, continuing to respond to me and letting me know how you guys are loving the podcast and what you're learning from it, and how it's impacting your lives. I just wanna say thank you all so much, and I'm gonna be recording another show after this one, all on everything that I learned from the event that I just got back from in California it was Costa Mesa it was right near Laguna beach and this is what my next level mastermind people. So be watching out for that show coming up next time, but today what I wanted to do was to take a piece of what I learn, and that was the power of video when it comes to marketing your business, and how to use Facebook Live in your business, how to use Instagram and Insta Stories in your business.
So, I thought no other person would be better to have this conversation with than Melissa Leithwood, who has been helping healthcare practitioners naturopaths and the like to really step out of their boundaries and start using social media platforms to start growing their business, now she's getting into the essential oil platform which we will have a link to her Facebook group and to a free download about that "How To Use Essential Oils In Your Business" in the show notes. But I really wanted to ask her a few questions about how to leverage video especially Facebook Live and Insta Stories in your business so you can start to grow your following and show people how authentic and wonderful you are and get more people into your practice.
Questions I Asked Melissa:
- When it comes to video, exactly how do we use it to grow our Business?
- How do you start using Facebook Live videos in your business to really get the momentum going?
- What do I even talk about?
- What would you recommend a good frequency of doing a Facebook live video?
- How can we start using Instagram Stories/Live to leverage our business?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Importance of video to grow and market your business
- Why you need to start doing Facebook Live
- What topics to use for your Facebook Live show
- Frequency and scheduling of Facebook live streams
- Impact of Instagram Stories to market your business

Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
How to Be an Authentic Practitioner: Interview with Ronald Hoffman - PPP: 077
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
For today's episode, I've brought on Dr. Ronald Hoffman. He is a medical doctor by trade but does a lot of integrative therapy in New York. Something that I thought was really great about this interview as we talked a lot about sort of starting up your business and figuring out your identity as a practitioner, not feeling the pressure to pigeonhole yourself into a particular niche or a particular brand of medicine, but more talking about how you can be a general practitioner to your patients and still be widely successful in your practice. It really comes down to the essence and how authentic you are as a practitioner, rather than defining a niche, or therapy, or brand. It's about really standing for what you believe in as a practitioner and showing the world that. We also talk about how you can then go on to market yourself.
In my business, I firmly believe that niching and figuring out your path makes things a lot easier, but I run a very generalized practice. I focus a lot on digestion and hormones and weight loss, but I still do treat a lot of pregnant people and their kids. I work with a lot of chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases, but I tout myself as someone who Maximizes their health, so we can maximize your digestion, maximize your hormones, maximize your weight loss, but more importantly, we're maximizing your health. That was my way of branding my authentic self in a generalized practice. While you're listening to this, please don't feel you have to go down a single lane path. You can definitely divide your knowledge across the field, but you do have to figure out that one way to speak to your audience and how to get in front of those people.
This week the sponsor is my 7 Day Detox Program. It's a complete done for you program that walks you through everything you need to do to create either an in-office or an online program, depending on where you are and what you do. This program comes with all of the emails, scripts, protocols, and everything I do. I actually do this program with almost every single new patient and out of everything I do in my office, I get the most repeat business with my 7 Day Detox.
Find it here: www.Maximizedbusiness.ca/7DayDetoxProgram
Questions I Asked Ronald:
- When you started, did you niche yourself?
- Do you think your patients have a hard time finding you because you are a general doctor?
- Can you talk about how important it is to create a self identity as a practitioner?
- How can we use social media to spread our reputation out there?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- How Ronald branded himself in a way that is all-encompassing.
- What he's done to increase profits as a general doctor.
- How Ronald advises approaching writing a book.
- Why you need to market yourself.
Connect with Ronald

Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
Who you are BEing Dictates Your Success - PPP: 075
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
Today I want to talk to you about some soul searching I've been doing over the past few weeks. It's been prompted by my coach, James Wedmore. I went to his BBD live in Laguna Beach back in November and they had Jim Thornton come on stage. I hadn't heard of Jim Thorton previously, but I later learned that he's a really big NLP practitioner and coach to celebrities, CEO's and business owners. What he said on stage really blew my mind so I decided to share them with you today.
The way Jim encourages people to take more responsibility for their lives and where they are in their business are very valid statements that need to be made. The number one thing that stood out to me were the stories. Almost every time we have created a negative thought or a negative belief, it's always actually been a story that we've created or our interpretation of what happened. When something goes wrong or a client cancels a session or appointment it can be so easy to think that we, as practitioners or business owners, did something wrong, when that is rarely ever the case. So try this:
When a thought comes into your brain that is not going to serve you, or give you momentum to move forward or does not positively reinforce you in any way, stop thinking those thoughts.
As soon as I started doing that, I immediately started to get more shit done!
The other idea that really stood out to me is the idea of "be-ing." You will never be that person that you want to be if you are not acting like that person. Most people follow the mantra of once I have the money, then I can start to do these things, then I will be happy. It's that have, do, be mentality. However, we need to change that into BE, do have. I am now going to be that person. I'm not going to want to get up early, I'm just going to be that person, I'm going to get up early.
It's all about taking radical responsibility for everything in your life.
I'm going in depth about both of these ideas because it's so important to have a proper mindset, make the changes in your life that you want to, and becoming the person that you want to be. It's not as scary or as daunting as you might think. I'm so excited to share all of these ideas with you and would love to hear what you think. Please leave a comment sharing your thoughts on all of this!
Or email me at info@themaximmovement.com
Connect with Andrea

Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Today we are going to be getting down and dirty with that yucky word: money. We're talking about student loans today. This can really be a tremendous detriment, mentally, when it comes to approaching your business the way that you should. It is my pleasure to bring Travis Hornsby on to the show today to talk all about student loans, proper planning, and financial budgeting. We will also be discussing the emotional side of having student loans when it comes to partnerships and wanting the kind of lifestyle you hope to live now that you've graduated from your healthcare school or college.
This is something that I definitely have been reading a lot about: my relationship with money. For a lot of us, it comes with a very negative, scary, mindset. There are times we don't even want to look at our bank account or know how much is on our credit card statement. It can get to the point where you just want to put your head in the sand and not even acknowledge the issues that are coming because of your finances.
One of the things I promised myself is when it comes to money and making investments on me and my business, I always knew I had the drive to win big. I took out a $25,000 business loan when I graduated and I had $30,000 in OSAP (the Ontario Student loan plan), but I knew I was going to be able to pay it back at some point. It took me a good 3 years before I got that line of credit to go to 0. Then I found a new investment that I would use my line of credit to help subsidize and then I said I'll bring it back to zero.
I can say that it hasn't been until the past 2 years that I've been consistently in the black in my bank account. That was just because I had massive dreams and goals in my business that I knew I needed to make an upfront investment on. So it was buying a clinic, getting a car, buying expensive equipment, investing in my self-published book, in my online presence, business coaching, and even this podcast. But every single time, I knew I had the tenacity to pay it off so it was always a worthwhile investment.
Now I know that there are a lot of you that don't feel that way. Many graduates feel strangled by the debt that they've accumulated. And then, of course, there are people that are in your life that are expecting you contribute in some way, shape or form, in regards to bills and expenses. It can be really stressful.
Resources Mentioned:
Check out Jim Fortin's podcast here.
Dollars Flow Easy to Me (book).
This week the sponsor is my 7 Day Detox Program. It's a complete done for you program that walks you through everything you need to do to create either an in-office or an online program, depending on where you are and what you do. This program comes with all of the emails, scripts, protocols, and everything I do. I actually do this program with almost every single new patient and out of everything I do in my office, I get the most repeat business with my 7 Day Detox.
Find it here: www.Maximizedbusiness.ca/7DayDetoxProgram
Questions I Asked Travis:
- When you start working with your clients, how do you help them take a real look at their cash flow and get over that emotional burden?
- How do you approach working with people who need to take another loan out to get their business started when they already have student loans?
- How does someone start to plan for starting a clinic or brick and mortar practice?
- What are some of the cool techniques that are available now that people can use to save money while they're working to pay off student loans?
- How do you coach your clients to have those difficult conversations with significant others and family members?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Why Travis says you shouldn't look back on what's happened, financially.
- What Travis' steps are when working with a client to pay off their student debt.
- Why he believes you need a good relationship with money in general before you start to figure out your student loan plan.
- How to start navigating the realism of starting a business.
- The importance of keeping monthly fixed costs extremely low for your first few years of business.

Monday Feb 19, 2018
What To Do With Empty Time In Your Calendar with Andrea Maxim - PPP: 074
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Today I want to talk to you about a common question that comes up with my coaching clients who are participating in my Maximize Your Clinic Course... and that is the fear of what happens when someone reschedules or cancels, and what to do with the free time that you have throughout your day. I'm a huge proponent of blocking your schedule and making sure those gaps and those blank spaces in your schedule are kept to as much as a minimum as possible. In this episode I'm going to be sharing some tricks and techniques I use to really maximize on my patient seeing time so I can open up more creative time in my business.
This week the sponsor is my 7 Day Detox Program. It's a complete done for you program that walks you through everything you need to do to create either an in-office or an online program, depending on where you are and what you do. This program comes with all of the emails, scripts, protocols, and everything I do. I actually do this program with almost every single new patient and out of everything I do in my office, I get the most repeat business with my 7 Day Detox.
Find it here: www.Maximizedbusiness.ca/7DayDetoxProgram
What We're Focusing on Today:
- Maximizing your time.
- How to not take cancelations and reschedules personally.
- What you can do to create a schedule that works best for you.
- How to take advantage of empty time on your calendar.
- How you can create more focus on projects you want to complete.