I'm Dr. Andrea Maxim, naturopathic doctor and business coach for wellness practitioners. I blog at MAXIMizedBusiness.ca. The Profitable Practice Podcast is a show to help you grow your career, practice, or clinic into a profitable business. Tune in weekly to learn from me and stories/interviews with successful practitioners!

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Reduce Overwhelm by Niching Your Practice: Interview with Dr. Katie Rothwell, ND
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
I have another amazing student of the MAXIMize Your Clinic program on the show today: Dr. Katie Rothwell, ND.
At the beginning of 2018 we were sharing our biggest takeaways from 2017 and he answer really stood out for me: "Just wanted to share a "win" from today! Found out I saw 220 new patients in 2017, which I am super happy with! Upwards and onwards for 2018 "
So I had to have her on the show!
Dr. Katie is going to talk to us about how niching her practice in the past few years has really made an impact on her schedule, and of course, her bottom line.
And we're also going to get real about Associateship versus Ownership. Dr. Katie is going to share how she went from being an associate to owning the practice that she was an associate in. So often we think that "The Grass is always Greener on the other side" or you can much more money as a clinic owner and that is not always the case. So we're going to get into that today too!
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What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- Katie’s journey from being an associate to a co-owner.
- Tips on how to pick your Niche
- How Picking a Niche can affect your practice
- Marketing your Niched Naturopathic Practice
- Resources that will make you a solidified business owner
About Dr. Katie Rothwell
Dr. Katie Rothwell is a Naturopathic Doctor and co-owner of Rooted Naturopathic Clinic in Barrie ON. She has a clinical focus in hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease and works with patients from the GTA to Sudbury in order to optimize their thyroid health and feel like themselves again.

Friday Nov 30, 2018
Friday Nov 30, 2018
I'm thrilled that I have Jenna Priestap on my show today!
Jenna is a student and personal coaching client of mine and she has just been crushing it since she started working with me.
This girl is the very definition of "being coachable". Basically every time I said "Okay, this is what you gotta do.." she'll just say "DONE". No worries, No hesitation, just made it happen. Fearless.
This girl has got nothing but pure grit, and I knew I need to bring her on to the show, because she's not even a licensed practitioner yet. She's still a STUDENT and she's just making it happen. If we want to make something happen in our business, Jenna is a perfect example on how to do that.
[FREE ONLINE TRAINING] >>> How to 3x the Profit of your Business with the patients you already have using these 5 key strategies??
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Masterclass --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/3xyourbusiness
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Step by Step guide from $0 to $1,300 in 3 weeks
- How to Market your Program
- Making sales through Challenge Programs
- Creating a Profitable Program
5 days of stress-free meals: https://mailchi.mp/fd62afa96878/stressfreemeals
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Other episodes you may enjoy:
Take Massive Action with No Plan B - PPP:005
10 Things You Must Do To Run a Successful Business - PPP:000
The True Cost of Running a Business: PPP 002

Thursday Nov 29, 2018
Using Webinars to Book Up Your Schedule - PPP: 091
Thursday Nov 29, 2018
Thursday Nov 29, 2018
Lead Generation and Webinars: This has been something that I've been testing for the past 4 months in my own business, and I wanted to give you kind of like a step-by-step playbook on:
1. How to Create the Webinar
2. Start to do more Online Seminars and Training
3. How to start promoting by simply creating a 2-minute video
You can then implement this podcast into your business, and then basically got a Lead Generation machine and a Money Making Machine.
[FREE ONLINE TRAINING] >>> How to 3x the Profit of your Business with the patients you already have using these 5 key strategies??
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Masterclass --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/3xyourbusiness
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Webinar Basics
- How often you should do a Webinar
- Platforms used for Webinars
- How to Book in new clients using Webinars
- How to Market your Webinar

Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
One of the most common questions that I usually get from listeners is, "What can I do as a student to make sure that my business is successful when I graduate?"
Today, I brought on a very special guest, Kenna Whitnell, who is still a student and launched her business while still studying in University. I thought that would be a great interview for you to listen to, especially for those of you who are students, and wondering what can I do RIGHT NOW to get a leg up on my business.
As we go through the interview Kenna give some really amazing, very insightful mindset strategies, and how she approached her business. Basically, she approached it with pitbull-like focus and just attacked it. No excuses. No looking over her shoulder. Just f**king did it.
I didn't start growing my business while I was in school. But now with how amazing the internet is, you can get started early. Do a lot more things, like at least start building your list, building your exposure, so that when you do start you can be a lot more successful!
Ready to get into this?? Get listening friend!
[FREE ONLINE TRAINING] >>> Want to Triple The Lifetime Value of Your Clients??
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Training --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/ProgramWebinar
Questions I Asked Kenna:
- How to turn a hobby into a full pledged Business while being a student?
- How to start creating a product line? and block out the negative feedbacks
- How to pick yourself up from failure?
- How to separate your brand from the others
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Turning a hobby into a profitable business
- The mindset of a student entrepreneur
- Struggles of starting your own business while being a student
- How to stand out from your competitors

Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
The Top 5 Tools/Apps I Use to Run My Business
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Hello everyone! I thought we would so something fun on this episode!
I'm going to reveal my favourite Top Tools and Apps that I use every single day to run my business.
Technology, while a huge headache some of the time, is also a tremendous asset! The freedom that I can run almost my entire business from my iPhone is massive. The main reason why I wanted to create a business that runs almost 100% via the internet, so even if I'm not in the office, I can still keep tabs.
So we're going to break down my Top Tools and Apps that help me get things done faster and stay on task. All of which you can use and implement into your life and your business.
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Masterclass --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/3xyourbusiness
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- The Top 5 Tools that helped Dr. Andrea run her Business
- Siri - Australian voice of course :)
- Task System: Reminders App, Google Reminders/Tasks
- Notes App
- Trello
- Gmail Calendar
- Lastpass
- Mobile cheque deposits
- Starbucks App
Other episodes you may enjoy:
5 Actions You Need to Take to be a High Performer – PPP: 087
5 Strategies to Seriously Boost Your Biz – PPP: 079
8 Tricks To Seriously Change the Way Your Run Your Biz: Interview with Lauren Deville – PPP: 069

Monday Oct 01, 2018
What's Your Entrepreneurial Personality Type - PPP: 088
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Hello everyone! On the last episode, episode 87, we talked about the 5 High Performing Habits you need to implement into your business TODAY to take your business to the next level. On that episode I seeded that one of the speakers at the Archangel Summit was Alex Charfin... an amazing amazing speaker. Just blunt. To the point. This is how it is, kinda guy... which is exactly who I resonate with.
I have been really stuck in my business for the past few months. Not feeling like I was accomplishing anything. Not feeling like I wanted to accomplish anything.
And in walks Alex Charfin.
He blew me away.
He unfolded what he calls the Entrepreneurial Personality Types, and everyone falls into ONE of these categories:
- Caretaker
- Communicator
- Coordinator
- Evolutionary Hunter
So on this episode I'm going to break down each of these personality types, so you can see what type you fall under, and expose how understanding my true nature... how I work.. how I think.. and everything that Alex Charfin talked to us about, literally woke me up, shook me to my core and provided me with the clarity I needed to take control back over my business and my life.
I literally changed the very next morning.
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Masterclass --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/ProgramWebinar
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- What entrepreneurial character type you are
- What is an "Evolutionary Hunter"
- Explains why you think the way you think and do things the way you do them
- 4 key pieces to keep the momentum going
Other episodes you may enjoy:
Take Massive Action with No Plan B - PPP:005
10 Things You Must Do To Run a Successful Business - PPP:000
The True Cost of Running a Business: PPP 002
Connect with Andrea

Monday Sep 24, 2018
5 Actions You Need to Take to be a High Performer - PPP:087
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Hello everyone, your host Andrea here!
I have just come back from a phenomenal weekend event called "The Archangel Summit" in Toronto. I was so inspired by what I learned that I really want to share with you some of the top strategies that I learned about how to be a HIGH PERFORMER in this podcast! I was so inspired that, unlike other event, I have literally implemented these strategies into my life and business immediately, and I want you to do the same.
In fact, I learned so many great tools that I'm going to be recording a few podcast episodes to share with you everything that I took away from the Archangel Summit.
Today's episode is all about the "Top 5 Habits that all High Performers Have".
And I didn't just take this from Brendan Burchard's seminar (and his new book with a similar title) alone, I really listened to the common themes amongst all of the amazing speakers and compiled it into these top 5 habits that we're going to talk about today!
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Masterclass --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/ProgramWebinar
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
The Top 5 Habits that if you want to be a High Performer, you must implement today:
- How keeping your phone off for the first hour of your day can increase your productivity 30%
- How important it is to have unwavering CLARITY on your daily and long-term business objectives
- What you eat, drink or do can affect your day
- How to Develop Influence amongst your tribe
- How being COURAGEOUS is a key principle for all high performers
Other episodes you may enjoy:
Take Massive Action with No Plan B - PPP:005
10 Things You Must Do To Run a Successful Business - PPP:000
The True Cost of Running a Business: PPP 002
Connect with Andrea

Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Hello everyone!
"What is it actually looks like to start your business?" This was the question I asked our guest, Michael Kohan, and he delivered nothing but blunt, no bull-shit, 100% honest answers about what a real business takes to grow.
It's really important to understand the expectations of what starting and running a business is going to look like.
Starting a business is not a get rich quick endeavour. You need to be comfortable with being in business for the long hall, because the first couple of years, you are not going to be achieving the results that you might be expecting to.
You are not going to be making six-plus figures in six months.
There are definitely people that have done it, but they are far and few between. For most of us, you really won't see the fruits of your labour until 5-years in. That seems to be when the business starts to run itself, booking start to come in with less effort and your bank account starts to look a lot better.
So what we're really get in depth on in this interview is "What level of expectation should you have for your business? What taking IMPERFECT action should look like? How we can we stop all of the comparisonitis and negative-self talk?"
Want to know the answers? Get listening to the interview below!
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Questions I Asked Michael:
- Why do you find it so difficult for people that are health-minded and health-centered to also be entrepreneurial at the same time?
- How do you stop listening to the negative talk from external and internal sources?
- What are some other big mental blocks that healthpreneurs need to overcome?
- How can we stop being so attached to perfectionism?
- How can we be more integral in our business and in our life?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- How to overcome negativity from friends and family
- How to properly set your expectations for success
- Practicing gratitude and blessings
- Being comfortable taking imperfect action
- Overcome the fear of exposing yourself to a wide audience

Monday Jul 30, 2018
How to Hockey Stick The Rest Of Your Year Podcast Episode - PPP 085
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Let's Skyrocket Your Growth this Year
Hello Everyone! Thank you again so much for listening to another episode of the profitable practice podcast. This show is going to be very different to any that I've done before.
The coaching clients and my MAXIMize Your clinic course students get invited to a Half-Day Intensive (5hr day) with me every January and July. We just did our last one about a week or so ago, and it was all about checking into where we were now that it's halfway through the year and getting ourselves ready to crush it for the next 6 months.
When most of us get to the end of the Q2, usually we expected we would be somewhere different. We expected to have more done. More accomplished. Attracted more revenue. Learned more. Did more. For many of us, we feel like a "failure" or "lazy" or "could have worked harder" but on this call I wanted to make sure that I helped you re-wire your mindset and re-frame how you look back at how far you've come, and ahead to what you can still achieve.
As you're going through this training I really want you to get a pen and paper out, because I go through an exercise towards the end, that if you do it with us, you will achieve more success than you could imagine. Hope you enjoy!
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Training --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/ProgramWebinar
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Changing your mindset about achieving your goals
- Help you realize how business really works throughout the year, it's NOT LINEAR
- How to approach the next 6 months so you can hockey stick/skyrocket your growth
- Pen to Paper exercise: Create the Best Year Yet.

Monday Jul 02, 2018
Exercise Your Mindfulness: Interview with Fernanda Lind Echenique (Audio)
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Hello everyone!! Welcome to another episode of the profitable practice podcast. I have a really fantastic show for you today! What we are doing today is we, meaning my guest and I, are going to walk you through a massive mindfulness exercise. This was something that I did one-on-one with our guest and it was instantly habit-changing and snapped me out of my negative head space so I could be more productive.
You most likely need to repeat this show a few times to get the biggest outcome from it.
I've been talking to so many practitioners lately, and they are just stuck in a rut. They can't seem to get out of their head and are being all-consumed by their negative thoughts.
Mostly we keep repeating and repeating the stories that we create for ourselves. The stories with regards to our potential and our abilities, or lack there of, to achieve success. It really does take a lot of training, effort and mindfulness to stay on a positive track and understand that these are "just stories". They in no way dictate what WILL happen in our future, but we sure love to bring the past into our present and it significantly slows us down.
Quite frankly, the negative thoughts will never go away, BUT my hope is, after listening to today's show, that you'll be able to snap out of that way of thinking fast and faster each time.
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Training --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/ProgramWebinar
Questions I Asked Fernanda:
- Where those negative thoughts really coming from in the brain?
- When we're trying to re-wire our thinking, how do we get started?
- How do we create that mantra in our lives that helps us snap out of the negative thought patterns?
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- How to identify where the negative thoughts/stories are coming from
- How to step-by-step reverse engineer those thoughts
- How to create the mindfulness that will energize us and keep us moving forward
- How to calm the negative thoughts as they arise and continue to exercise positive thinking
About Fernanda Lind Echenique
Fernanda is the woman behind the site Life on Tellus. She’s a mindfulness and food freedom coach. Fernanda has a passion for learning having two master’s degrees. One MBA and one in Dance. You can find her today working in the financial markets or helping high achievers, people who are super successful in their lives, regain control over the ONE thing that they can’t figure out, Food! so that they can finally follow a food plan, lose weight and never gain it back.