I'm Dr. Andrea Maxim, naturopathic doctor and business coach for wellness practitioners. I blog at MAXIMizedBusiness.ca. The Profitable Practice Podcast is a show to help you grow your career, practice, or clinic into a profitable business. Tune in weekly to learn from me and stories/interviews with successful practitioners!

Monday May 27, 2019
"You Look So Healthy"... When Perception is NOT Reality - PPP: 103
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Perception is a fickle thing...
My perception of other naturopathic doctors on instagram is that they are: An amazing mom, they have an amazing body, they're accomplishing SO much, they've "got it all"... the perfect life.
But is that perception reality? Maybe in real life their life is CRAZY!!
Maybe, while on video they look amazing, 5min ago, they were in their PJs, hair frazzled and the house that I do NOT see is actually a complete disaster.
Maybe my perception that that person is "the perfect mom" is actually the persona they want me to see, when in reality they're wracked with guilt. Their marriage is failing. Their kids are losing their minds. She's barely keeping it together herself... but for those brief 5min on video... she sure does look amazing.
Well, I had a patient say that to me.
"You look so well put together. You look so healthy! How are you doing it all?"
So I can take that moment and maintain that perception that "I'm amazing and can balance it all, with my hair perfect, and my husband well taken care of, and my kids love me, and I never get upset, and always have the perfect home with fresh dinner on the table...." blah blah blah
Or, I can own up to the truth about that perception.
So on today's episode, I'm going to give you a glimpse into my REAL life and let you know what's really going on behind the scenes, to allow me to get to where I am today.
Episode Freebie:
I've put together my favourite and most popular podcast episodes all in one spot, and all organized to give you everything you could possibly need to create a highly successful, highly profitable health-minded business!
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Good things take time
- Things aren't always what they seem
- Never be afraid to ask for help
- Acceptance = Growth

Saturday May 25, 2019
Offline or Online Dispensary, You Choose: Interview with Debra Wolf - PPP: 102
Saturday May 25, 2019
Saturday May 25, 2019
Ok folks... we're finally going to break down one of the most asked questions... Should I have an offline or online dispensary?
This is actually an episode I should have done WAY sooner than now. In fact, I have an entire video on managing a dispensary in the MAXIMize Your Clinic course.
So, to make it official, I brought on Debra Wolf, a representative from Fullscript, which is an online dispensary option, and we're going to have a healthy debate on:
1) The benefits of a dispensary
2) The pros and cons of an in-office dispensary
3) The pros and cons of an online dispensary
4) Is it possible to do both?
Want to check out Fullscript?
Episode Freebie:
I've put together my favourite and most popular podcast episodes all in one spot, and all organized to give you everything you could possibly need to create a highly successful, highly profitable health-minded business!
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Strategies that are helpful if you have an in-office dispensary in the beginning
- What should a profit-sharing look like on a dispensary split
- Offline, online dispensary, or both?
- In-office dispensary strategies
- The amazing revenue boost of supplement flash sales

Friday May 10, 2019
Never Discount Your Prices - PPP: 101
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
On this episode we're going to talk about discounting, promotions, and why you should NEVER do that.
Never give up money, if you don't have to.
Discounting our rates in order to make a sale....I just don't abide by that practice. I tried very much not to discount my consultation rate or to give away my time for free as much as I could, even as a new grad. I will discount my programs and supplements when I'm doing a flash sale, but that's only 2-3 times per year and for 2 days only.
What I don't like is when I hear about healthpreneurs give a seminar, for instance, and they promote $50 off the initial visit, just to entice people to book into their office. This may give the wrong impression - that your actual visit price is not all that valuable.
What I would strongly encourage you to do, instead, is to find ways to increase the perceived value of the visit or program instead. This is why "bonuses" are so powerful at helping to drive the sale.
Currently, I have a facebook ad running about my Yearly Wellness Checkups and promoting in-office tests that I run, which make me different from an MD. I am getting new patients from this video every week and I'm spending pennies per engagement. My initial price is still the same, but I'm including low cost lab tests, and new patients are loving it! I have easily 20X'd my return.
It is imperative that you always value your time and value the price of your product.
Ready to learn more?? Take a listen!
Episode Freebie:
I've put together my favourite and most popular podcast episodes all in one spot, and all organized to give you everything you could possibly need to create a highly successful, highly profitable health-minded business!
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Pricing your own value
- Valuing your time
- Adding value to your Product/Service

Thursday May 09, 2019
How to Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome - PPP: 100
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
Let's stop Shiny Object Syndrome!!
But first.... can you believe that we are at EPISODE 100!!
I have loved putting these podcasts together! I have loved the recording process and the creative process that comes with it. I'm loving that you guys are listening to this, that you're getting momentum from the podcast episodes and I especially love that you're connecting with me!
So I really need to take a massive moment and reach out to all of you and say, THANK YOU SO MUCH! And I hope that you continue to listen, to continue to share these podcasts with your colleagues, your friends, and people that you know that would benefit from this too!
My Free Thank You Gift:
I've put together my favourite and most popular podcast episodes all in one spot, and all organized to give you everything you could possibly need to create a highly successful, highly profitable health-minded business!
On this episode I want to put Shiny Object Syndrome under the microscope and cure you of this epidemic!
Shiny object syndrome is a disease of distraction, and it affects entrepreneurs specifically because of the qualities that make them unique. It's called shiny object syndrome because it's the entrepreneurial equivalent of a small child chasing after shiny objects. This needs to stop now.
You know exactly what I'm talking about too... You know, when those big launches are happening and the emails and ads are constantly in your face... you're getting sucked into the advanced copy writing and suddenly thinking... "I need this product!" More often than not, you're just buying into the well-thought-out marketing strategy, which is designed to hook you, but you do not NEED this product.
How many programs have you purchased that you have yet to go beyond Module 1, Video 1? Now you've just forked over $1000CAD or $10,000CAD if it's a US product, and you're hoping that the transaction will provide you the transformation. Rarely is this the case.
What I talk about with my Maximize Your Clinic Next Level Members is just this... STOP acting from a place of survival, and making emotional-driven or FOMO-based decisions, and start thinking about every investment as, "How will this product fit into my strategy this year, and how can I implement this material asap?" If you can't think of a logical answer for BOTH of these questions, then STEER CLEAR!
Ready to dig deeper? Listen now!
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Identifying Emotionally Driven Decisions
- Acting on Your Needs vs Wants
- Staying in a Place of Service instead of Survival

Wednesday May 08, 2019
Prioritize Your Time to Stop Overwhelm - PPP:099
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
On this episode, I would like to share with you an ongoing question that a lot of people have been asking. Whether they are in one of my programs or whether they are talking to me on of my free strategy calls that I offer, this tends to be one of the most common questions that people ask.
And the question is of course about battling overwhelm. Really what "overwhelm" comes down to is: Where should I be putting my time? and how can I be more strategic? New grads, my students in the Maximize Your Clinic next level program or you listening right now. You're probably asking this yourself... How can I improve focus and decrease overwhelm?
It IS overwhelming to check all the things that you need to prepare like: creating your website, doing blogs, and other stuff that I would like to call "glitter." The things that make your business look "shinier," but that work is not really impacting what you NEED to be doing to move the needle on your business.
For instance, if what you need right now in your business is to get new leads, then you shouldn't be spending your time and effort on building your website. You should be spending you time crafting your free offers, doing social media posting and live video to promote those free offers and doing everything you can to get in front of potential clients. Yes, other things will fall to the wayside, but that's all part of the art of business.
So if this is resonating with you at all, you're going to want to listen to this episode!
Episode Freebie:
I've put together my favourite and most popular podcast episodes all in one spot, and all organized to give you everything you could possibly need to create a highly successful, highly profitable health-minded business!
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- How to stop the feeling of overwhelm
- How to focus on the things that will actually GROW your business
- Tips on how to grow your practice
- Social Media for your practice

Saturday Feb 23, 2019
The Spiritual Side of Business Growth: Interview with Brandon Lucero
Saturday Feb 23, 2019
Saturday Feb 23, 2019
The online industry is big and it's getting saturated.
People are always promoting the BIG numbers, the BIG email list, the BIG flashy cars and lifestyles.... but often, when you peel back the curtain, the reality behind the business is not how it is portrayed online.
There's a lot of ego with business. Never wanting to show failure. Never wanting to show weakness. Always wanting to paint this gorgeous/lavish picture of how "wonderful life is".
I don't find that attractive. I, like most people, look for the real... authentic... caring person to invest in. The person that doesn't hide behind the BIG promises and fails to deliver. The person who sells without actually selling. The person who is upfront with the sale, instead of masking it (when you always know the real intention).
When I listen to people tell their stories or how their business is growing, or the struggles that they've had, I never listen at face value. As I continue to follow someone, I will pay attention to how the stories are being told, what are the gaps that they are NOT telling me, or what should I be reading between the lines here.
That's why it is my pleasure to bring Brandon Lucero onto the show.
I met him at one of James Wedmore's BBD Live events. I had not really heard of him before but I knew that because of the relationship he made with James, it really helped him scale his business quickly. So, I walked up to him at our after-event cocktail party, and asked him about how that relationship came to be and how it changed his life and his business.
The conversation was so honest. No bragging. No distractions. No ego.
Since that day I have been watching Brandon grow as a business owner and last year, really blew up. I have been a student of his for almost two years and as a mentor he does not disappoint. I have never worked with a 7-figure entrepreneur who is still just as dedicated to each of his students and always mentoring us personally in his courses, as much as I have seen Brandon do this.
So I knew I had to have him on the show!
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- Brandon Lucero's Business Growth Story
- Tips for Starting a Business
- Overcoming Fears to Launch your Business
- Entrepreneur mindset against Societal Norms
- Spiritual Side of Business Growth

Friday Feb 08, 2019
Streamline Your Business, Simplify Your Life
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Want to Streamline Your Business?
The biggest transformation that I found that my beta students of the Maximize Your Clinic: Next Level Program made when it came to simplifying and streamlining their business was THIS... what we're talking about on today's show.
When I work with my student or clients my #1 job is to reduce the chaos, to simplify things as quickly as possible and systematize things as best we possibly can. That way we can stop wasting all of our brain power on things that we are repeating every day and either simplify the process or set it to automate.
In fact, the Maximize Your Clinic: Next Level Program is open for enrolment (for a limited time only)! We did a complete BETA test of this starting in the middle of last October, and the results that those 10 BETA members achieved was amazing! The level of accountability that they received and the way that they showed up in their business massively changed over the course of the 3.5 months. Most were able to accomplish in 3 and 1/2 months was more than I think most of them were able to do all last year.
So I'm excited to announce that we are rolling another Beta group 2.0, so I'm looking for 10 more members can sign up before the doors close!
To make sure that you ZERO reasons to not be exponentially successful this year, let me break down the Next Level program for you and then we can schedule a call to see if it's the right fit! We do 2hr trainings ever other week, plus unlimited accountability in the FB community and open office hours every single week. My favourite addition (something I didn't even offer to my one-on-one coaching clients) is access to my Virtual Assistant (VA)!! He is going to do your e-mail sequences, your graphics, and your video editing and get a lot of that like crummy stuff, that takes up wwaaaayyyyy more time than it should, OFF your plate.
So if this interests you -- drop me a DM!
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- My Process on how to visualize and simplify your business
- How to Focus on Small things that have the Biggest Impact in your Business
- How to map out all of the pieces in your business and create a systemized flow

Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
5-Day Challenges, 5-Figure Challenges
5-Day Challenges, that is the main topic of today's episode.... but first... This is the first episode of 2019 (woot woot), and I hope you guys are ready for what this year has in store!
Want to know what's even more exciting.... we're just around the corner from our 100th episode! Annndd trust me, I have some pretty amazing tricks up my sleeve! So stay tuned!!
You may or may not know this, but I have a Maximized Your Clinic self-study program that is available for anyone on my website, www.MaximizedBusiness.ca. I built it so it would be easy to complete, would give you all the materials that you need to get your business up and running and establish the systems and strategies that you need to build an amazing business.
I left out massive gaps in that program on purpose because I wanted the program to serve a foundational need. So at the end of last year I created a survey questionnaire, asking people: "If I were to put together a new, more advanced program, what would you want?". I also asked, "How many calls do you wanna have?", "How often would you want to have office hours?", and even, "How much would you PAY for this program?"
Ultimately, 10 of our colleagues helped me put through the very first Maximized Your Clinic Next Level: BETA Program and we're just wrapping it up now.
Fear not! Lucky for you, I will be opening the doors to the next round of the next level program now.
- The biggest outcomes from the first round with the Beta members was:
- Simplifying their business - stoping over complicating the process
- Creating a streamline business where you know the exact pathway from possible lead --> hot lead --> new paying client/patient
- Rinse and repeat launches/webinars/seminars to grow email lists and revenues
Here's a great place to start.... On today's show when we're talking to our very special guest, Zach Spuckler, of the Heart, Soul and Hustle company. Zach is all things, 5-Day Challenges that will generate you at least 4-5 figures, and, full disclosure, I am a graduated member of his 5-Figure Challenge program and I loved it!
Not only did we talk about how to set up and run a 5-Figure Challenge, but I also wanted to talk to him about his decision to pick ONE program to focus on for all of 2019, and shut down all of his other, highly successful and highly profitable programs. I noticed a lot of 6-figure and 7-figure earners doing the same thing as Zach, stopping the chaos and really picking ONE focus to build their business and brand around.
I want you to think about too this year! What streamlining your business looks like. What is it that ONE thing that you know you if you went all-in, you would have tremendous amount of success? How successful your business would be then? and hopefully how much easier it would be to run your business when you're just focusing on that one thing?
Let me know what your ONE thing is on Instagram @AndreaMaximND
You're Invited to check out the MAXIMize Your Clinic course --> HERE
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- How to introduce and sell a successful 5-Day challenges online
- Tips on building a profitable 5-Day challenges online
- How to maintain the excitement during 5-Day Challenges
- Getting comfortable with selling after a 5-Day Challenge is over
- Why Zach Spuckler decided to close down all but his 5-Figure Challenge online program for 2019
Other Episodes you might enjoy:
The Real Story of Growing a Business: Interview with Jill Stanton – PPP: 067
Creating an Online Food Program: Interview with Jennifer Haessler – PPP: 044
The Truth About Starting an Online Business: Interview with Dr. Erica Robinson, ND PPP: 031
Connect with Zach
Facebook | Instagram | Website | Challenge Class
Connect with Andrea

Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Today was a very special show for me!
I'm bringing back Dr. Michelle Peris - "Dr. Mom, ND" - who was one of the first people that I interviewed when this podcast started (here's her original show: www.maximizedbusiness.ca/63), and I definitely encourage you to go back, and listen to that episode.
Why I wanted to have Michelle back on the show, is that for the past year, she's really been true to her brand, she's been showing up for her brand daily and has caught everyone's attention in doing so!
What Michelle is doing is she has really listened to her community and what they wanted. She made a commitment to grow that ONE thing that served her tribe best and it just so happens to also bring her joy and purpose.
She now has a massively thriving business, her associates are thriving, the women and patients in her office are thriving. I've also seen a massive change in how she's showing up with regards to her social media, and this is something that I want everybody to think about especially coming into the new year and to 2019. It is smart and strategic idea for you to be using this whole year to focus on promoting ONE major aspect of your business and let that dictate your brand, let that be what you always talk about and let that be what you always promoting.
I think how she's set up her business is just phenomenal, so she obviously needed to come onto the show so she can share it with you! Enjoy!
[FREE ONLINE TRAINING] >>> How to 3x the Profit of your Business with the patients you already have using these 5 key strategies??
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Masterclass --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/3xyourbusiness
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- How a Community Membership will help you Launch your Business
- How Branding your Social Media can Help Boost your Business
- Profitable Programs and Products to Start Promoting
About Dr. Michelle Peris
Dr Michelle Peris is a Naturopathic Doctor and clinic director of The Poppy Clinic who serves women in Oakville and the surrounding areas who are so over feeling sick or staying home with a sick child (again).
Through teaching women of all ages and life stages how to listen to their bodies and tune into the wisdom inside, she helps them create a life that feels good to live, with energy and passion that had been long forgotten.
Her clinical focus is on women and children, hormone health, and digestion. She is the proud creator of Dr Mom ND, an online resource for health-conscious mamas and their natural babies. As a speaker and creator of the Rebel Tribe, she loves giving and facilitating talks about wellness, mindfulness, and living our best life. She's also a contributor to several podcasts.
When she's not working through health concerns with my patients, you’ll find her sipping bulletproof coffee, hanging out with my tribe which includes her super cool husband, playing with her two young kids, or staying up entirely too late with her husband and a few goofy pets.

Monday Dec 31, 2018
Monday Dec 31, 2018
This show literally popped out of thin air based on a post I saw in a naturopathic Facebook group. It just goes to show that, you don't know who's watching and what opportunities can arise because of what you're putting out there.
We often spend a lot of time hustling, a lot of time putting a tone of content out, a lot of time blogging, making videos, and while we might not be getting the engagement numbers or the likes, or the comments or whatever else. You have no idea how far your message is spreading.
I follow a number of individuals online, and I don't always comment on their things, but often what they are posting has a lasting impact on me. It will either motivate me for the day or will help me confirm some kind of life decision that I had been contemplating. The thing is, they will never know because I didn't like or comment. Your words can be more powerful than you think!
So for those of you who are hustling online, just keep putting it out there, keep doing you, keep putting out great information, allow people into your world, because you just don't know how far your reach is going. So, I brought on Dr. Elizabeth Cherevaty and she's gonna talk about how she integrated an online program within her offline practice to not only improve their experience with her, but to leverage her time and rocket her revenues.
[FREE ONLINE TRAINING] >>> Want to Triple The Lifetime Value of Your Clients??
You're Invited to a FREE ONLINE Training --> www.MAXIMizedBusiness.ca/ProgramWebinar
What You'll Learn From This Episode:
- How to stop trading dollars for time, still make higher revenue, without burning out
- How to create a curriculum for your patients and turn that into a online course
- Steps on increasing revenue while working only 4 days a week
- How to actually execute on creating a video-based online course
About Dr. Elizabeth Cherevaty
Elizabeth Cherevaty ND grew up receiving Naturopathic care as her family’s choice form of primary health care. Her experiences of finding health and healing through the extraordinary practitioners and unique tools of the Naturopathic profession inspired her to become a Naturopathic Doctor herself, in order to be able to help others in a similar way.
Dr. Cherevaty advocates for quality health and self-care education. Her health articles have been featured in publications such as Integrated Healthcare Practitioners, Viva Magazine, Integrated Health Retailer and SpaLife Magazine. She is a regular health and wellness guest on Rogers Television’s Inside Guelph and frequently offers seminars to patients and community groups on a range of natural health topics. Elizabeth Cherevaty ND received the Guelph Tribune 2011 Reader’s Choice Award for Best Naturopath.